Message 38456

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Oh dear... something's broke
Date: 29 Nov 99 16:07:55 +0000
Hello Tim Seifert, on 29-Nov-99 14:40:54 you said about:
  [afb] Re: Oh dear... something's broke 


>> I really don't understand why anybody would put up with a mailer with such
>> stupid bugs, sorry.

>Hmm, I think Thor has more than enough of it's own stupid bugs.  I
>prefer the way YAM works by far.  And I'm using both of them.  It's a
>*lot* more user friendly.

Thor 2.6 is a bit buggy, but it doesn't crash and burn in the same
fashion as Yam does. Besides, I've found Yam won't work with MiamiDX


>> How is the documentation not useful and accurate? It's certainly a hell of
>> a lot more detailed than the Yam documentation the last time I saw it.
>> Ditto for the huge number of example arexx scripts, and API developer
>> materials
>> (does Yam have a developer accessable API?)

>The docs that come with Thor are terribly out of date, they proclaim 2.0
>compatibility, when it isn't; they don't explain various essential
>features at all; many of the docs are not much more than a feature list,
>without useful explanation; the list goes on and on...

Agreed, Thor's docs could do with an update, possibly even in HTML as it
would (IMHO) be easier to show examples. The Arexx docs could be better
as well, especially for us Arexx illiterates.

>Thor is a nightmare too use, it requires very complex ARexx scripts just
>to do some basic features which should actually have been built into the
>mailer itself.

True, although they seem to be doing something about it - the Sortmail
Arexx script replacement, FilterThor being one.

I need a mail and news reader, I've not found anything to beat Thor yet,
either on the Amiga or PC platforms.

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
If you want her to show emotion, cut up her credit cards.

Message 38457

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: 29 Nov 99 17:03:27 +0000
On 29 Nov 99 16:06:05 +0000, Daniel Thornton (thewibble@cwcom=2Enet) wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:00:56 -0000, Sealey, M=2E wibbled=2E=2E=2E
> > Then I guess you'll have to sit down, and sit patiently until it
> > arrives=2E=20
> There's only so much time that you can wait patiently; (almost) two
> months after the software has been released, I'm starting to get
> impatient=2E

I wouldn't blame Chris if he is waiting until he gets corrected versions of
the CD out of the duplicators=2E  The initial run was faulty (the fault of
teh duplicators) which is why you have to get hold of V=B3 and WebVision of=
the 'net=2E  That way he dosn't get hundreds of calls from people saying "W=
don't V=B3 and WebVision work?"


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267

Message 38458

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the hell is going on???
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 17:12:01 -0000
> Hello all afb "e-groupians",
> As probably none of you have noticed, I haven't posted here in
> bloomin ages, consequently I can't seem to guage what Amiga is
> doing right now!

In a word? Nothing. Actually, more precisely, we've HEARD nothing,
mostly due to that media blackout they announced ages ago. That means
ALL media, including Amiga media, and no more silly Executive Updates

> Tell me am I a blind fool or is there just nothing going on, or at
> least something going on just we're not being told about it.

The second one. You're not a blind fool, just a rather out-of-touch
one ;)
> By the way before anyone talks about os3.5, can I just say, when I ask
> what is going on I mean in the larger sense of the sentence i.e. what
> are they doing to take over, or at least revolutionise, the world (since
> the mcc died!), surely the companies fate doesnt rely solely on os3.5?!

It doesn't, but ask yourself one question: Why SHOULD they take over or
revolutionise the world? Please don't quote Collas because for all I know
it was marketting hype to get you all excited. Some people beleived it
whole-heartedly (the same people gullible enough to beleive I-Win), some
people are parroting it back when people say "Amigas are dead" (i.e.
"no they're not, look! They'll revolutionise the world!"), and I would
hope that most took it with indifference.

While the ideas Collas was putting across were valid, revolutionary they
were not. It's high time people realised that..

> May I just finish on a sorry note, please, please, please, will someone
> tell me why the most incompetent, "flashy", ill-designed, highly
> publicised, badly engineered, "any old crap", cobbled together
> solutions, not only work, but sell in there millions in the computing
> based industry and in fact most other industries?

Because 99% of the time, only incompetants would class it as incompetant.
In my view, it takes an idiot to class a program as 'crap' simply based
on anecdotes and the company who made it.

> What is my point? Well currently in computing, most solutions are
> exactly the same as my Ford example, let me explain: Microsoft make
> software that works occasionally

Works flawlessly here, maybe you're doing something wrong?

> like there was no tommorow, but again, lets face it: They're not too
> good at what they do!

That is seriously debatable. The only people who seriously doubt what
Windows etc. can do are the people who stick with the alternatives.
Granted, brand loyalty is a good thing to have, but why delude yourself
into thinking that all Microsoft software is crap, when if you look at
it, and evaluate it properly, it turns out to be capable, if a little
chunky around the edges (I'll never use THAT feature ;)

> Where are the Mercedes dealers of software? They're usually the little
> company, struggling for contracts, but making good software, so why do
> we still flock to Microsoft? 
> 1) Their everywhere
> 2) Everyone supports their products
> 3) Everyone has heard of them and is at least mildly knowledgeable of
> their products, therefore the assumption is made that they are "THE
> BEST!"

Nobody with a working brain assumes Microsoft software is the best. They
assume it is GOOD, because of it's popularity. Only stupid people will
say 'oh, Microsoft software kicks ass because it has 95% market share!'

Many a fault in Windows and any Windows-based application can be traced
back to crap hardware, crap drivers layered on top of it, and crap coding
by crap (usually shareware) programmers. Windows doesn't fall over, other
things generally let it down.
This *is* it's only real failing - you'd need a PhD to get the most out
of it. Seeing as most Americans don't even get their high-school diploma,
you can see EXACTLY why there is a lot of Microsoft-hatred about. It's
because they're all too dumb to use it, and too dumb to see past the
"it's EASY to use!" hype - which they really do want to beleive...

Linux has an advantage there. It's MEANT for people with PhD's and it
never SAYS that it's easy to use. It still suffers from the plagues of
updates, kernel changes, nasty crashes (you try using Linux with lots
of GNOME apps going :) that Windows does, and even the Amiga does.

But Linux never said it was easy..

So I conclude that people flock to Microsoft because they think it's
gonna be easy, when it patently is not. I can also infer that the
reason people don't flock to the Amiga and it's apps is because it's
always been marketted as either a games machine (too dull) or as a
high-end video system (too complicated) and never anything in between..

It all comes down to marketting in the end, not software quality.. but
that doesn't mean to say that high marketting budgets marry with low
quality budgets, in the same way that a top quality product doesn't
sell with only a meagre marketting spree..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38459

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A question of Quake
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 16:47:58 +0100
Hi Alex
Somewhere around 28-Nov-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] A
question of Quake

> "The well of wishes awaits in the crypt of decay"

> Now I've played the crypt of decay and it seems no different whatsoever.
> So what's with the message? Ben, you did the walkthrough...

AFAIK it does nothing. I went through it several times, with and without
hitting it, and there is no difference. Evemn the quake guide I won at WOA
didn't even mention it, so?.....

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

BMW             Big Money Waste

Message 38460

Subject: [afb] POLL: Cover media - 29/11/99
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 12:01:56 -0800
What would you like to see on the cover of AF?

Please select one of the following:

   o CD in jewel case (we have these now)
   o CD in a single case (thinner type)
   o CD in a wallet (like AA)
   o Floppies
   o Nothing (cheaper?)
   o Something else every now and then (book, stickers etc)

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 38461

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: def_CDDA?
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 20:11:55 +0100
Hi James

On 28-Oct-99, you wrote:

> The icon needs to be saved as a project, and needs your CD playing software
> as the default.
> It needs to be called "" and placed straight into the ENV (or
> rather, Prefs/Env-Archive) directory.
> Not Env-Archive/Sys! And not called "" or ""
> either!
> Well, this worked for me anyway, and I'm probably the only one who's
> interested so there :P

Hmmm... I found this to almost work. In my system, creating an icon like this
and opening it from the  Prefs/Env-Archive directory opens my chosen CD player
just fine, but the icon that appears on my Workbench screen works an entirely
different way.

SnoopDOS reveals that it is looking for Work:Workbench/Utilities, yet nowhere
in my icon does it mention this, so I am at a loss to discover where it is
getting this requirement from. Anyone else noticed this sort of thing or have
a fix or likely place to start looking?

My icon has DH1:Music/CDPlayer/<name of prog> as it's default tool, but this
is not what it is using!


Forgive your enemies. But hit them a few times first.

Message 38462

From :"Alex Paton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: mui
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 12:26:40 -0800
Hi Tim,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
> Hi Alex,
> >> Does  anyone know if that there is a UK registration address ?
> > Do not know of an UK address but I have recently registered through
> > their Web site with no problems.
> The SASG one?  How long did it take for them to respond?  I've been
> waiting over a week now (and I've e-mailed them asking what's going
> Bye,
> Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)
It took them about two weeks.I guess they don't check the site as often 
as often as they used to.

See ya

Alex Paton

Message 38463

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Oh dear... something's broke
Date: 29 Nov 1999 18:26:47 +0000
Andy Mills said, 

> Hello Tim Seifert, on 29-Nov-99 14:40:54 you said about:

> Agreed, Thor's docs could do with an update, possibly even in HTML as it
> would (IMHO) be easier to show examples. The Arexx docs could be better
> as well, especially for us Arexx illiterates.

The docs are currently available in AmigaGuide, DVI and PostScript
formats (ideal for printing out). There is an HTML version, but it's
only available for online reading via the web site. There's currently no
archive of HTML docs to download, this will change with 2.6a.

>>Thor is a nightmare too use, it requires very complex ARexx scripts just
>>to do some basic features which should actually have been built into the
>>mailer itself.

> True, although they seem to be doing something about it - the Sortmail
> Arexx script replacement, FilterThor being one.

SortMail became redundant with the release of THOR 2.5, over two years
ago. CfgSortMail was replaced in THOR 2.6. There is only one reason for
using the ARexx SortMail, to resort old messages, and that is now
handled by the latest FilterTHOR beta. When 2.6a is released you'll be
able to delete all ARexx based sorting scripts.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Honk if you love peace and quiet.

Message 38464

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: 29 Nov 99 19:16:57 +0000
According to Alan, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5.

> > > - and if you're serious about your Amiga, you'll have a gfx
> > > cards..
> > Ah, just what I like to see - well reasoned arguments :/
> ? you want to use your Amiga for gfx need to run with at
> least 256 colours...thats a bog standard level!..that would slow down
> AGA to a crawl..

That's right, I agree (sort of, it's not /that/ slow). The point is I
and most others (probably) can't afford it. Doesn't mean I've only got
an Amiga to play games on when I'm bored or whatever.
I would expect most people on this list to be at least semi-serious
about it otherwise they wouldn't bother and they'd just go and buy a
PC/Mac. I would also expect most people to be without GFX cards.
(I'd also do a poll but no-one would vote :/)

>  > To buy a gfx card you  basically either need

>  > [snip list]

> lowest solution:
> A1200 with ZIV card and CyberVision3D.

And how much does that lot cost?

> adding a gfx card to the Amiga is like adding a HD to it. it makes
> such a vast world of difference

I'm not saying it doesn't. But adding a HD is a much more accessible
option than adding a GFX card.
> alan

Paul C, goodnight
... Programmers DO IT bit by bit

Message 38465

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: 29 Nov 99 19:30:18 +0000
The name's M., Sealey, M., licence to email.

Excuse me for butting in, but...

> > Make that "not heard from them for a month or so", and you'll 
> > be closer to the mark, Sealy.
> Right, if you REALLY want to be insulting you MIGHT want to spell my
> name right, Daneel Throntan.

I think that was the insult - we all know how you hate it.

> > > Have you tried asking this question on a Vapor mailing list? 
> > Yes.
> And they said..?

Well if they're anything like the general Netconnect list, it'll be
"Yeah, what's going on?". Nobody seems to know.
> > > Have you mailed Chris personally to check on your order?
> > Several times.
> And he said..?

Bugger all, probably. People always seem to be complaining he doesn't
reply to emails.

> Matt Sealey

Paul C, in the moon shadow
... "Music is the space between the notes."
    --Claude Debussy

Message 38466

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] HTML testers?
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 20:02:05 -0000
Hi all

I've written an HTML page, but it uses Javascript, Style Sheets and DHTML
(sort of) and looks great in IE but I was wondering if some kind souls would
check it to make sure it looks okay in not-quite-so-fancy browsers.

You'll find it at

BTW- what do navigator.appname and navigator.appversion return in the latest
amiga browsers?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's long lie: Early computers were large not, as is commonly
believed, because we could not manufacture compact integrated circuits, but
because in the 1960's electrons were approximately 3cm in diameter, and so
space had to be left for them to move around in the circuitry. Nowadays,
more modern electrons are used, some of which are only 0.1mm in diameter.

Message 38467

From :"Mark" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: '060 software suggestions please
Date: 29 Nov 99 21:21:49 +0000

> make sure you have the correct 68060 and 68040 libraries installed. then
> use either Oxypatcher or cyberpatcher (depends on which card you`ve got)
> then you might want to search aminet for 040/060 patches for
> utils/apps/datatypes/libraries etc

Thanks guys.
Its an Appollo by the way. Oxypatcher is the one you have to buy isn't it? Not
that I'm not willing to buy it. Does it speed up overall speed or only old
programs that used an old FPU?



Message 38468

From :"Roy Leith" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 Install
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 13:42:42 -0800
"jonathan hart" <> wrote: 
original article:


I tried a clean rebuild of OS35 on PFS2 and got a guru (oops.  Showing
me age!) on loading Workbench.
I went back to FFS and almost everything was fine except HDToolbox,
which just hung.

Those nice people at PFS suggested a low Max Transfer setting 0xfe00
and that fixed all the 
OS35 problems and tidied up a number of other programmes that had been
rather ill behaved, as well.

It looks as though OS35 encourages larger block transfers than 3.1
which can cause some IDE drives to through a wobbley.

What made me return to PFS was my attempt to load the very last
application on my clean rebuild.  It crashed and burned, leaving a
highly flakey and 
unstable system behind.  I rushed straight back to PFS and look forward
to upgrading to PFS3.

Roy Leith
> Hi,
> I`ve finished my (from scratch) install of OS 3.5, and have a few
> questions that I hope can be answered here:
> 1. Can anyone tell me exactly what the file installed to DEVS: called
> "Amiga OS ROM Update" (or similar) is?
> The reason is that my machine (1200T,PPC 603+ BVision) hangs when it
> in DEVS: though I`ve moved it as is suggested in the manual and things
> are hunky dory. I use PFS3 and have a drive that is below the 4.3g
> barrier, so do I even need it?
Jonathan Hart

Message 38469

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Why buy OS3.5 (was: The new issue)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 20:54:09 +0000
Greetings  Alan 

On 29-Nov-99, you wrote:

> On 20 Nov 1999, Thomas Hurst wrote:

>> Oh, and REAL MEN count their uptime in weeks if they leave their
>> system on 24/7 ;)

> real men dont code or run euro demos and game demos then ;-)
>> Don't pipes just rule? (he says, avoiding the subject) :)

> copper ones or smokign ones? ;-)

Light up me chalice 8)

> alan


Imagine textures and a few pictures@<>
/PGP Key available on request/

Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 38470

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 22:03:46 +0100
Hi M.

On 29-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Case in point: The N64 was launched with 4 games, all of which used the
> analogue controller to full effect (Mario64, Waverace, Turok and
> PilotWings).

Come on Matt - take this to the OT list instead... It was okay for a couple of
mails, but this is becoming the latest "thread that would not die..." ;-)

> This isn't very Amiga-ey is it? :) 

Oh, you might be off there anyway from this last comment... <grin>


Berserkers do it without thinking...

Message 38471

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 21:17:42 +0100
In a nut shell,

If you want the good stuff, pay for it. If you can't afford it, thats life.
You can't expect to get amazing performance out of a 6 year old GUI.

> Hi

> On 19-Nov-99 16:19:49, Tim Seifert ( wrote:

>> To be honest, I'd prefer it if MUI apps looked exactly like all other
>> system GUIs,

> The default setup looks very like a standard Amiga GUI to me...

>> so there was a consistency across the board.  And I
>> dislike intensely having to fork out money for something against my
>> will (i.e. programs that use MUI just for the sake of it).

> MUI is infinately more advanced and flexible than GadTools ever will be.
> It allows programmers to not worry too much about the size of elements,
> and making sure bits don't overlap etc. It also has decent cut and paste
> support, unlike GadTools or ClassAct... GadTools may be fine for some
> things, but for others it's just too rigid and basic.

> Consistency is overrated as far as I'm concerned. Fair enough having basic
> things that work between apps, such as the file menu coming first and what
> have you, but having applications that all look the same isn't exactly
> important, or even desirable.

>> Sure it has
>> some nice features, but we all need graphics cards, and super duper
>> CPUs to use MUI as comfortably as other GUIs.

> The Amiga doesn't have "super duper" CPU's, it has ultra-slow ones, very
> slow ones and dog slow ones...

> As for GFX cards, well, I really can't see how anyone can live with the
> pure EVIL that is AGA. I'd sooner dump my Amiga than use it without a GFX
> card.

> Regards

> Tom

Message 38472

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: CIAA chip repair/replace
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 21:28:39 +0100
If an old but repaired or working part off a broken board is replaced, you
should be charged for SER (service and repaired) part not for the new

> _Replying to a message_:

>   By:  Phil Wagstaff <>
>  Via:  afb <>
> Dated:  28-Nov-99 23:20:33
> About:  [afb] CIAA chip repair/replace

> Hi Phil,

>> In the current (December) edition of AF there's small article about
>> the CIAA chip which seems to suggest it can be replaced.
>> This chip has died on one of my boards and the repair shop says that
>> means I need a new motherboard (number 2).
>> If it is replaceable how is it achieved, a specialist shop?1

> The level of computer repair incompetance astounds me!  Even the humble
> TV set repairman has been replacing surface mounted components for
> years.  Even when new parts aren't available, they manage; most have
> collection of junked boards to raid components from.  And in fact, very
> often, when you get your TV or VCR repaired, you'll end up with a
> recycled part being used for the repairs, and you'll get charged the
> cost of a new part too.  Nor do they replace an entire motherboard
> instead of replacing one chip.

> Bye,
> Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Message 38473

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 21:48:19 +0100
>> that it makes the Amiga that much more attractive to potential new
>> users. 

> What exactly is there to attract "potential new users"? So they can use
> unstable and badly supported/under-developed <insert choice of application
>> ?

Excuse me, so you saying Windows is more stable than the Amiga 0S. I don't
think so, unfortunately I have to work with Windows everyday @ work and it
perform a
so called "illegal operation" atleast 4 times a day.

You have to remember alot a Amiga users use alot of new untested software,
so you can't complain if it crashes.



Message 38474

From :"Phil Ellis" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: 29 Nov 99 11:34:56 +0000
Hello Alan L.M. Buxey,
 your comments on [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5 have got me thinking
>On 28 Nov 1999, Phil Ellis wrote:

>and you're using OS3.0? That'll mean that you're not doing too many
>alternative things on your machine...and that its using the gfx card
>slower than it would otherwise

OS3.0 yep. As for alternative things, I haven't used my Amiga as a surfboard or
added wheels and tried driving it but maybe I'm not radical enough ;-)

Phil Ellis Amiga 4000/040 PIV Magellan II ICQ 38892967
For information on Cystic Fibrosis
Command, n.: 
 Statement presented by a human and accepted by a computer in 
 such a manner as to make the human feel  as if he is in control.

Message 38475

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A question of Quake
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 22:08:03 -0000

> > "The well of wishes awaits in the crypt of decay"
> >
> > Now I've played the crypt of decay and it seems no different whatsoever.
> > what's with the message?  Ben, you did the walkthrough...
> dunno! but a friend here at work says this:
> Theres a deep well towards the end of the level -> theres a bridge,
> cross it, dont exit through the normal exit, turn left shoot panel, go
> through, shoot switch...go back over bridge, jump to ledge on right,
> then go down well. at bottom is a dope fish...message says 'dope fish
> lives' a passage opens ot left when you are underwater..this will lead
> to a secret level...
> this is from his memory, but he claims (and i believe! ;-) ) that he's a
> God at Quake...

The instructions aren't quite right, but I've managed to find it.  An
undocumented secret, left out of your walkthrough Ben!  I've recorded a DEM
of me going there if anyone want to see it - 181K available on request.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's long lie: Early computers were large not, as is commonly
believed, because we could not manufacture compact integrated circuits, but
because in the 1960's electrons were approximately 3cm in diameter, and so
space had to be left for them to move around in the circuitry. Nowadays,
more modern electrons are used, some of which are only 0.1mm in diameter.

Message 38476

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A question of Quake
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:25:43 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> The instructions aren't quite right, but I've managed to find it.  An
> undocumented secret, left out of your walkthrough Ben!  I've recorded a DEM
> of me going there if anyone want to see it - 181K available on request.

   Why not upload it on Aminet, for all :)

See ya :)
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        
 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
"Bother," said Pooh, as he stepped into the auto-sentry gun's line of sight.

Message 38477

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:15:35 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> Case in point: The N64 was launched with 4 games, all of which used the=

> analogue controller to full effect (Mario64, Waverace, Turok and
> PilotWings).
> =

> The PSX was launched with a DIGITAL PAD, and games didn't support the
> analogue pad seriously (whether it was available or not) until dual
> shock support became 'the rage'. A feature which Nintendo managed to
> do first.

   Who cares which was /first/, all I care is which pad is best, and I th=
ink that PSX pads are much better then N64 ones.

   It is a bit like arguing that SNES is more revolutionary then the N64 =
because it was first.

> If you do your research, the reason the N64 is unpopular with developer=
> is NOT the lack of an easy programming environment, but the COST of any=

> environment they may get, and the fact that Nintendo have an unerring
> habit of charging people out of business (and/or into the Playstation)
> for the manufacture of cartridges.

   I suspect Nintendo's attitude about developers releasing on other syst=
ems also has something to do with it

> The PSX wasn't bundled with a dual shock analogue controller to start
> with. Why should I have to buy a =A320 controller (or =A380 worth if I'=
> to play multiplayer) just to get a decent game out of it?
> =

> Now what sort of sense is that?

   Ahem, If you want force feedback on your N64, you have to buy =A310's =
worth or rumble pack anyway, and they use batteries.

And if you're into multiplayers, you need 3 extra pads and 4 rumble packs=
, thats =A3100!!!

>> i can stand on a CD without it being damaged...i can also =

>> drop it into a bowl of water...or spill a beer on it.
> =

> Scratch the front of your CD with a penknife :)

   Well, if you're going to be like that, then take your penknife and sca=
pe the cart's edge connectors off. Then we'll see how tough the cars real=
ly are ;)

> They did a few weeks ago, the 64DD. Only in Japan, though, as it's
> linked to the internet much like the Dreamcast. Sony's big idea about
> downloading games off the net onto a special Zip drive plugin got
> done by Nintendo YEARS ago with the SNES Sattelaview, and has just
> gotten a belated update for the N64.

> It's a bit crap (that's what the 4Mb expansion was originally for,
> BTW) but it shows how innovative Nintendo are.

   Well, if you're gonna be like that, then.....

   ...Downloading software has been around on PC's and Amigas for years, =
nintendo just copied us. It was us computer owners that are the innovativ=
e ones.
   ...Actually, I think it was the US militery that actually came up with=
 this idea by creating the internet, I suppose everyone else just copied =
them did they?   :) infact we may as well go right back and blame Alan Tu=
ring for inventing computers ;)

>> yes....i dont know why though, especially as nintendo wont say that
>> it'll be more powerful as PSX-2 , which comes out in April next
>> year...and the Dolphin will come out the year after
> =

> "It'll be more powerful than anything our friends at Sony have to
> offer" - Howard Lincoln, President NOA.

   I'll believe that when I see it :)

Anyway, I think it may simply be too late for nintendo to reclaim the top=
 spot, even if the machine is better then a PSX2 (which it /should/ be be=
cause it's newer)

> As for a year after? 6 months more like. Maybe with the pitiful
> launch batch of 2 or 3 games rather than Sony's 10 or 20, but
> will that really make a difference when 9 or 19 of those Sony
> games will be stuff you'd have already on your PSX?

   If you're gonna be like that,then all the games on the N64 we already =
have: Platform games, rpgs, beat'em'ups, they were all on the SNES, we ma=
y as well have not brought an N64.

> This isn't very Amiga-ey is it? :)

   well, arguing about other systems seems to be a good way of passing th=
e time 'till something good finally happens to our favourate type of comp=
uter :)

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
"Bother," said Pooh, as he was subject to an electrostatic discharge.

Message 38478

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: If...
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 23:52:11 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> Just a question don't jump down my throat.
> When Amiga emulation reaches the level when an 060 can be emulated at f=
> speed, will that be the end of the classic Amiga?

   Not if the G3/4 cards are any good...maybe?

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
"Bother," said Pooh, as he realised the invisible man had been hiding in =
his bedroom all day.

Message 38479

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: mui
Date: 30 Nov 99 08:09:34 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Alex Paton <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 05:26:40
About:  [afb] Re: mui

Hi Alex,

>>>> Does  anyone know if that there is a UK registration address ?
>>> Do not know of an UK address but I have recently registered through
>>> their Web site with no problems.
>> The SASG one?  How long did it take for them to respond?  I've been
>> waiting over a week now (and I've e-mailed them asking what's going
>> on).

> It took them about two weeks.I guess they don't check the site as often 
> as often as they used to.

Hmm, well I suppose if they've done that before, it's at least an
indication that they're slow at working, rather than just ignoring
things.  Though with VISA payments, etc, the system really ought to be
fully automatic.  Cards can be checked for fraud, and funds transferred,
all automatically, and all pretty quickly too.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38480

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: 30 Nov 99 11:25:39 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Darren Silcock <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 05:17:42
About:  [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI

Hi Darren,

> In a nut shell,

> If you want the good stuff, pay for it. If you can't afford it, thats life.
> You can't expect to get amazing performance out of a 6 year old GUI.

What the hell has paying for something got to do with it?  Buying the
(currently) less than stable OS 3.5, just for it's new Reactor GUI is
the biggest load of codswallop I've heard for a long time.  This will do
absolutely nothing to improve the many applications that we've already
got, that depend on MUI.  And you'd better beleive that there's going to
be more applications to be made still using MUI.  We're stuck with the

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38481

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] New Amigas?
Date: 30 Nov 99 11:52:31 +0900

I did wonder, seeing as the Amiga was inspired by Tripos, whether any
thought was given to expanding on that for a new Amiga.

But I really do wonder if we're likely to see a new Amiga at all.  For
it to happen, it not only would have to rival the Intel types, but I'd
say it'd need to be able to run Windows apps, so we don't get left
behind in the software race again.  Not just the usual, "is it Windows
compatible?" stupid question, but us users need to run certain programs,
for special jobs, that only ever get released as Windows executables.

There's no denying that /that/ market is the one with all the software
being made for it, because it's the biggest market.  Commercial software
authors don't really cater much for the niche computer market, unless
they can charge an arm and a leg for it.

I'm having to get a new computer, and it's going to have to be a Windows
disaster box, because various bits of software people want me to use for
business are only available for it.

I've also considered the new Amiga 3.5 OS, and think that really, my
current system does about all it can, a new OS isn't really going to
improve that.  Chances are, that anything else, is just going to make it
slower.  I really need modern hardware, that just isn't available for my

I need a new computer, I'd rather have one like my existing Amiga, but I
don't see that happening (any new Amigas) for quite some time, and it's
all too likely that they'll be so far removed from what we have now,
that they won't be nicer to use than Windows - all the little things,
like user customisable functions using ARexx ports, small executables,
a well structured drive system (C, L, Libs etc), etc.  And not having to
choose from a huge plethora of wildly incompatible hardware, that no-one
knows is compatible until they've spent their money.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38482

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: CIAA chip repair/replace
Date: 30 Nov 99 11:27:12 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Darren Silcock <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 05:28:39
About:  [afb] Re: CIAA chip repair/replace

Hi Darren,

>>> In the current (December) edition of AF there's small article about
>>> the CIAA chip which seems to suggest it can be replaced.
>>> This chip has died on one of my boards and the repair shop says that
>>> means I need a new motherboard (number 2).
>>> If it is replaceable how is it achieved, a specialist shop?1

>> The level of computer repair incompetance astounds me!  Even the humble
>> TV set repairman has been replacing surface mounted components for
>> years.  Even when new parts aren't available, they manage; most have
>> collection of junked boards to raid components from.  And in fact, very
>> often, when you get your TV or VCR repaired, you'll end up with a
>> recycled part being used for the repairs, and you'll get charged the
>> cost of a new part too.  Nor do they replace an entire motherboard
>> instead of replacing one chip.

> If an old but repaired or working part off a broken board is replaced, you
> should be charged for SER (service and repaired) part not for the new
> price.

You should, but you don't.  It's invariably rationalised as "expertise"
fees, storage of parts fees, etc.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38483

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the hell is going on???
Date: 30 Nov 99 08:15:46 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Sealey, M. <>
  Via:  '' <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 02:12:01
About:  [afb] Re: What the hell is going on???

Hi Sealey,,

> So I conclude that people flock to Microsoft because they think it's
> gonna be easy, when it patently is not. I can also infer that the
> reason people don't flock to the Amiga and it's apps is because it's
> always been marketted as either a games machine (too dull) or as a
> high-end video system (too complicated) and never anything in between..
> It all comes down to marketting in the end, not software quality..

It's interesting how "home" computers are pushed onto people as the
"must have" toy in the house, etc.  And that anyone can use them, but
despite the GUIs on Windows, it really still isn't a computer for the
computer illiterate to use, that they'd have us beleive.

You still need to wade in to the blood and guts of some very techy
fiddling with software, and hardware, to keep the thing running.  Even
if you're one of those who's still only got the software that came
pre-installed on the thing.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38484

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Amiga Zips
Date: 30 Nov 99 12:13:01 +0900

Does anybody know if there's a way to read an Amiga File System
formatted Zip disk on a PC?  I know floppies can't be done, due to
hardware reasons, but this shouldn't be the case for Zips or hard

I'd like to burn a CD, but I don't have a burner myself.  And the simplest
most obvious way, would be to transfer some files using Zip disks (Amiga
formatted to avoid the DOS filename limitation, or having to put the
files into archives).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38485

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 03:53:22 -0000
> To buy a gfx card you basically either need
> a) A PPC to plug it into if you've got an A1200


> b) and/or a nice tower


> c) A big-box Amiga capable of holding one in the first place


> d) Possibly a huge power supply


> e) A secret personal supplier of BVisions

Need!!...I need a BVision...damn it!!

> It is /completely/ possible to be serious about your Amiga and still
> not have enough money for that kind of equipment.

I think I might buy that A4000 and/or A3000 from Amibench if they are still


Message 38486

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:47:33 -0000
> > I think it was on this list that someone complained that my sig was too
> > and needed to have -- put in....Can someone check and alter my sig if
> > wrong, please....thanks in advance
> Almost...  It's dash dash space return.
>                           ^^^^^
> If you want to avoid being flamed for including *all* your machine
> specs, it's better to either limit the information somehow, or put the
> info on your website, with a link.
I haven't finished or uploaded the website yet....

i hope my sig is correct now...IE better not fck it up



Website: (still not here)

Machines used:
A1200T (Channel Z, Rev 1D) with Z3, 160MHz PPC 603e/25Mhz '040, 18 MB (2MB
Chip, 16MB Fast)
A500 (Rock Lobster, Rev 5) with GVP HD+,5MB RAM (0.5MB Chip,4.5MB Fast),
kickstart 1.2/2.5, 3 ext floppys, Z2
CD32 (Spellbound, Rev 3) with SX-1, 10MB (2MB Chip, 8MB Fast)
Dead standard A1200 (Channel Z, Rev 1B), '030 50MHz

Message 38487

From :Dominique Harelle <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:19:33 +1000
From   : Tim Seifert <>
Date   : 30-Nov-99
Subject: [afb] Amiga Zips

Hello Tim,

> Hi,

> Does anybody know if there's a way to read an Amiga File System
> formatted Zip disk on a PC?  I know floppies can't be done, due to
> hardware reasons, but this shouldn't be the case for Zips or hard
> drives.

> I'd like to burn a CD, but I don't have a burner myself.  And the simplest
> most obvious way, would be to transfer some files using Zip disks (Amiga
> formatted to avoid the DOS filename limitation, or having to put the
> files into archives).

I don't know if a PC can read an Amiga filesystem. You might have to try
CrossDos 7 as It allows you to save long filenames on a PC formatted disk
and that includes Zip disks.

Dominique Harelle -
E-Mail            : / (/
ICQ Number        - /17907440/

My *AMIGA* 2000 Made This Possible
Member of Team *AMIGA*

Message 38488

From :Albert Hunt <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cost of printing at home
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 07:29:15 +0000
Hi All

Just a thought for an article in the mag.

    I use a canon BJC-4200 and have just replaced the black  and colour 
cartridges, Only to find that I also  need to replace the carriage bit that
 they slot into  ( the bit of circuitry and the jets.)

 /Canon do however  say you should replace it every half a dozen
With the cost of cartridges being roughly as follows.
    *Black *5    *Color* 10    Bit with Jets + cartridges  29
  (You can not seem to get it with out )
    *Photo Cartridge* 40      + for the paper.

This makes a bit of printing quite expensive consider also that the normal
black cartridges hold a very *small *amount of ink.
  (any one no how much ink they hold )

What about an article on the most economical Printer to use at home after
you have purchased it.
And What about refilling the cartridges does it work with the canon ones or
will I end up with a big splodge on my page when I try to print.

Seems a bit silly really a carriage bit plus a couple of spare cartridges
 =50. If I double it I could by a new printer with new carts in it.

Cheers Burt

Message 38489

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 09:21:35 -0000
> According to Alan, there's something good going on and it's
> something to do with [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5.
> > > > - and if you're serious about your Amiga, you'll have a gfx
> > > > cards..
> =20
> > > Ah, just what I like to see - well reasoned arguments :/
> =20
> > ? you want to use your Amiga for gfx need to run with at
> > least 256 colours...thats a bog standard level!..that would=20
> > slow down AGA to a crawl..

Not here :)

> That's right, I agree (sort of, it's not /that/ slow). The point is I
> and most others (probably) can't afford it.=20

And aside from that, when did creating 32-colour gifs require a 256
colour screen?

> > lowest solution:
> =20
> > A1200 with ZIV card and CyberVision3D.
> And how much does that lot cost?

Christ almighty, something like =A3320?

I might as well buy a BoXeR if I'm going to spend that much. Oh, damn,
I already did.
> > adding a gfx card to the Amiga is like adding a HD to it. it makes
> > such a vast world of difference
> I'm not saying it doesn't. But adding a HD is a much more accessible
> option than adding a GFX card.

And then a CD, serial port, modem, monitor THEN a graphics card (you
didn't put THAT in your price either, so then a ZIV/CV3D/Mon setup
hits a heady height of about =A3600, not including the CV3D flicker
fixer or a ff/switcher (add =A360-90)

=A3700 just to use your precious 256 colour mode at warp speed? Is it
worth it? (and no, I wouldn't use 16bit screens for much more than
webbrowsing, 'cos I spend most of my life in PPaint)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38490

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 09:29:03 -0000
> > > that it makes the Amiga that much more attractive to
> > > potential new users. 
> > What exactly is there to attract "potential new users"? So 
> > they can use unstable and badly supported/under-developed 
> > <insert choice of application> ?
> Excuse me, so you saying Windows is more stable than the 
> Amiga 0S. I don't think so, unfortunately I have to work
> with Windows everyday @ work and it perform a so called
> "illegal operation" atleast 4 times a day.

Not Windows' fault. Windows itself will hardly ever cause
an 'illegal operation' because it operates most of it's
time in a state where an 'illegal operation' would make
your machine cut out rather than throw up an error box.

> You have to remember alot a Amiga users use alot of new 
> untested software, so you can't complain if it crashes.

And the same goes for Windows - the amount of people I see
running all kinds of shareware gumpf and complaining that
it crashes all the time.

A Windows machine, with decent hardware and respectable
drivers and DECENT software by REPUTABLE companies (that
is, Microsoft, Corel, Lotus - the expensive ones ;) has
no more chance of failing than an cleanly installed OS3.1

Start using TweakUI and all the hacks you can find, plus
the chunkiest freeware email client and webbrowser you
can find (or Netscape :) and it'll start blowing up. Just
like if I install VisualPrefs, FBlit and Voyager 3.0.37

Do you see?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38491

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 09:33:25 -0000
> Hi,
> Does anybody know if there's a way to read an Amiga File System
> formatted Zip disk on a PC?  I know floppies can't be done, due to
> hardware reasons, but this shouldn't be the case for Zips or hard
> drives.

Easy, you get the source code to the AFFS driver for Linux and make
it into a Windows DLL. Then you rewrite the Zip driver to look for
AFFS systems and read them using your DLL.

A trivial task :)
> I'd like to burn a CD, but I don't have a burner myself.  And 
> the simplest most obvious way, would be to transfer some files
> using Zip  disks (Amiga formatted to avoid the DOS filename
> limitation, or having to put the files into archives).

Go and get xfs.lha from Aminet and install it - it includes a
Windows95-filenames-compatible PC filesystem mode, along with
Amiga FFS, some sinclair stuff and a Mac read-only filesystem,
too (useful for hardfiles).

If you use THAT as your filesystem you can write to the zip disk
with ease, inserting any old filesystem'd Zip and reading it.
Formatting is a bitch, but then you can always unmount and remount
a ZipFS: or ZipPC: driver to format disks 

(or just do a 'Delete Zip:#? FORCE ALL')

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38492

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:19:54 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> shock support became 'the rage'. A feature which Nintendo managed to
> do first.

nintendos dual-shock was a shoddy addon.
> If you do your research, the reason the N64 is unpopular with developers
> is NOT the lack of an easy programming environment, but the COST of any
> environment they may get, and the fact that Nintendo have an unerring
> habit of charging people out of business (and/or into the Playstation)
> for the manufacture of cartridges.
> The N64 is in fact easier to program for. It's display-list oriented

done my research...and the answer is that it is difficult to program for

> so it's not a case of a crappy obscure CPU (ahem, points to Sega's use
> of the Hitachi SH-x line)

> The PSX wasn't bundled with a dual shock analogue controller to start
> with. Why should I have to buy a =A320 controller (or =A380 worth if I'm
> to play multiplayer) just to get a decent game out of it?

you point out my favourite N64 feature. 4 player control ports as
standard. I liek that. I see PSX-2...i see just 2 control ports still
:-| (note previous mail...i have multitap + 6 pads)

> Scratch the front of your CD with a penknife :)

can do - its the back that cant be scratched 8-P
> ?  You mean the same convoluted instruction set as the PSX uses on
> IT'S slow covoluted R3000 MIPS chip?

the R3000 is a basic, cleaner design :-)
> Oh? Who told you that? They say Christmas 2000, on a worldwide
> simultaneous launch (part of the deal with Matsushita)

the first demo of the Dolphin has been touted as November 2000. that'll
be pushing it a bit for a worldwide launch.
> "It'll be more powerful than anything our friends at Sony have to
> offer" - Howard Lincoln, President NOA.

recent quotes have quietened that idea down.
> As for a year after? 6 months more like. Maybe with the pitiful
> launch batch of 2 or 3 games rather than Sony's 10 or 20, but
> will that really make a difference when 9 or 19 of those Sony
> games will be stuff you'd have already on your PSX?

ah, but you'll eb able to play all your PSX games on the PSX-2. instant
library...people will like that feature a lot. Dreamcast has been really
helped by having a larger s/w base than thought it would have.

> This isn't very Amiga-ey is it? :) >=20

well, it is...because new Amigas have to feature good games. they also
have to have good game features..multiplayer (without losing mouse
port!!), decent supported'd be quite a coup to use PSX
controllers as standard...imagine all those pads, wheels, guns


Message 38493

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 100MHz 68040!
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:22:04 +0000 (GMT)
On 29 Nov 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

> of things.  You're really taking pot luck with these adventures.  And
> don't think manufacturers build in lee-way to accomodate you, they
> don't, they build things to minimum specifications.
> Sometimes you can be lucky, sometimes you can be very unlucky (some just
> won't even go a few percent faster than designed for).

if it works on more than three A3640's..why wouldnt it work on someone
elses A3640 ?


Message 38494

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:24:35 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> I for one am getting sick of this "not heard from them in a week or
> so, so they MUST have gone bankrupt" vibe. Have you tried asking this

same here. if they had gone, it'd soon be on the et al sites!


Message 38495

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:25:35 +0000 (GMT)
On 29 Nov 1999, Daniel Thornton wrote:

> There's only so much time that you can wait patiently; (almost) two
> months after the software has been released, I'm starting to get
> impatient.

2 months?? had to wait 6 months for my BVision....people have waited for
more than a year for theirs!


Message 38496

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:28:41 +0000 (GMT)

well, the *company* are goign to release an API that sits ontop of
Windows2000 or Linux that makes computing and the Net easier. that seems
to sum it all up. Gateway were only interested in the Amiga mouse
controller patent (the mouse never jerks, its nice and smooth) but that
was for their PC business to use.

Please look elsewhere for the real evolution of the Amiga. The OS is
starting to evolve..some exciting new hardware for a real AmigaNG
machine is being worked on and theres a possibility that some of AmigaOS
will enter the OpenSource regime and become much improved


Message 38497

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Cover media - 29/11/99
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:32:00 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 wrote:

>    o Nothing (cheaper?)

if AF with nothing mounted on the front WASNT cheaper, then something is
seriously screwed. I'd expect it to be at least 1UKP cheaper without the

I'd really prefer the CD to be there though...


Message 38498

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:35:23 +0000 (GMT)
On 29 Nov 1999, Paul Cundle wrote:

> That's right, I agree (sort of, it's not /that/ slow). The point is I
> and most others (probably) can't afford it. Doesn't mean I've only got
> an Amiga to play games on when I'm bored or whatever.

i think the cost should be the only barrier...i'd really hope so... if
people have the money but then think 'no, that wont do anything for me'
then somethign is wrong int he way these peripherals are being
> > A1200 with ZIV card and CyberVision3D.
> And how much does that lot cost?

if you've already got the A1200 and the tower, then the ZIV+gfx adapter
and the card would set you back around 250 ukp
> I'm not saying it doesn't. But adding a HD is a much more accessible
> option than adding a GFX card.


but wait! There is a new solution coming out for Amigans who have an 040
or 060 processor..i dont know more of this...but Ben does!


Message 38499

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: '060 software suggestions please
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:36:10 +0000 (GMT)
On 29 Nov 1999, Mark wrote:

> Its an Appollo by the way. Oxypatcher is the one you have to buy isn't it? Not
> that I'm not willing to buy it. Does it speed up overall speed or only old
> programs that used an old FPU?

speeds up stuff that uses other 0x0 Integer stuff and the FPU stuff.


Message 38500

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: 30 Nov 1999 9:32:42 +0000
Tim Seifert said, 

> I'd like to burn a CD, but I don't have a burner myself.  And the simplest
> most obvious way, would be to transfer some files using Zip disks (Amiga
> formatted to avoid the DOS filename limitation, or having to put the
> files into archives).

Another way would be to burn the CD ISO image on the Amiga with MakeCD
(assuming you have the hard drive space). Then split that file onto an
many PC formatted Zips as are required, joining them again on the PC.
Then the PC only has to write the image file to the CD.

This also means you can create a proper Amiga CD with protection bits
etc. left intact, since all the important work is done on the Amiga.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
The only reason to buy a Pentium MMX is so that you can reboot faster.

Message 38501

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:49:44 -0000
> On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > shock support became 'the rage'. A feature which
> > Nintendo managed to do first.
> nintendos dual-shock was a shoddy addon.

It was

a) Created before Sony made 'Dual Shock' controllers
b) Not Shoddy.
c) Part of the original console specs. They didn't
release the Rumble Pak before the first game to
support it came out - Starfox. And Starfox was
being coded alongside Mario64..

Define shoddy anyway? The fact that it needs batteries (the N64
doesn't supply much power to it's joypads as the PSX does) does
not make it shoddy..
> > for the manufacture of cartridges.
> >=20
> > The N64 is in fact easier to program for. It's display-list
> > oriented
> done my research...and the answer is that it is difficult to=20
> program for :-|

And where did you do this research?

> > The PSX wasn't bundled with a dual shock analogue=20
> > controller to start with. Why should I have to buy
> > a =A320 controller (or =A380 worth if I'm to play
> > multiplayer) just to get a decent game out of it?
> you point out my favourite N64 feature. 4 player control ports as
> standard. I like that. I see PSX-2...i see just 2 control ports still
> :-| (note previous mail...i have multitap + 6 pads)

Plus two USB sockets....

> > ?  You mean the same convoluted instruction set as the PSX uses on
> > IT'S slow covoluted R3000 MIPS chip?
> the R3000 is a basic, cleaner design :-)

And the R4300i is a good 10 times faster, so you don't need to know
how clean it is - the compiler does all that for you..
> > Oh? Who told you that? They say Christmas 2000, on a worldwide
> > simultaneous launch (part of the deal with Matsushita)
> the first demo of the Dolphin has been touted as November=20
> 2000.

By who?

> > "It'll be more powerful than anything our friends at Sony have to
> > offer" - Howard Lincoln, President NOA.
> recent quotes have quietened that idea down.

Show me.
> > As for a year after? 6 months more like. Maybe with the pitiful
> > launch batch of 2 or 3 games rather than Sony's 10 or 20, but
> > will that really make a difference when 9 or 19 of those Sony
> > games will be stuff you'd have already on your PSX?
> ah, but you'll eb able to play all your PSX games on the=20
> PSX-2. instant library...people will like that feature a lot.

So, it's a choice between getting a PSX2, and a few launch games
which are essentially sequels to the games you already HAVE and
CAN play on the PSX..

Or just not buying a PSX and STILL having access to that 'instant
library' without the statutory price markup of new console games..?

Plus if you buy a PSX2, what will you do with the PSX1?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38502

Subject: [afb] Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:07:04 -0800
Dixons piss me off. I asked them if I could return the modem if it
didn't work. They told me that I couldn't return it if I'd opened it,
because of the drivers etc. Long story short. If a modem is not listed
on Miami's list of modems on the init, is there a chance that it won't
work at all? (Can't remmeber exactly what is was, a "Phonic something")

Message 38503

Subject: [afb] Got OS3.5
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:14:10 -0800
Here are the things I like: 
Nice Icon Editor with an AddGlow feature.
When you scroll with the mouse or keyboard, the Icons scroll smoothly.
Very Nice GlowIcons
When you take out a disk, the entire bloody screen no longer has to

The one thing that I hate though is that I can't use DefIcons anymore,
unless I missed it in the really well presented manual. God that's a
slog through isn't it?

Message 38504

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:19:14 -0000
> Amiga?
> well, the *company* are goign to release an API that sits ontop of
> Windows2000 or Linux that makes computing and the Net easier. 
> that seems to sum it all up.

You seem to have consolidated a lot of work on Amiga's part to
a tiny area. 

NEVER have they said that they were concentrating SOLELY on an API
layer. NEVER did they say ANY kind of OS - your Windows 2000 and
Linux comments are speculative at best.

The best way *I* can explain it (and I think the best way I've
heard so far) is that they're making their little Linux distro
with a neat webbrowser and mail client and stuff (AOL deal here?),
implementing AmigaObjects and selling it to customers who want
to implement internet devices.

Also, they will produce an API layer enabling those apps to
be used on any system - which could in fact link your PDA and
PC to your cabletv-internet-appliance more smoothly..

> Gateway were only interested in the Amiga mouse
> controller patent (the mouse never jerks, its nice and 
> smooth) but that was for their PC business to use.

Can someone show me this fabled 'mouse controller'
patent? I've yet to see it, and I'm beginning to doubt
that it actually exists.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38505

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Got OS3.5
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:27:08 -0000
> Here are the things I like: 
> Nice Icon Editor with an AddGlow feature.
> When you scroll with the mouse or keyboard, the Icons scroll smoothly.
> Very Nice GlowIcons
> When you take out a disk, the entire bloody screen no longer has to
> refresh!!!

Oh yes!
> The one thing that I hate though is that I can't use DefIcons anymore,
> unless I missed it in the really well presented manual. 

Go get Deficons44.lha from Aminet, and whack it somewhere in your

You may want to go and grab the icons from here

And convert the icons into OS3.5 style (go find the ConvertNewIcons
tool on the OS3.5 CD and type, in the ENV directory of the archive:

spat convertnewicons #?.info

and they'll all be converted) and then copy them into your
envarc:sys directory. Voila, instant, FANTASTIC looking deficons!

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38506

From :"xatiminey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:28:53 -0800
> Dixons piss me off. I asked them if I could return the modem if it
> didn't work. They told me that I couldn't return it if I'd opened it,
> because of the drivers etc. Long story short. If a modem is not listed
> on Miami's list of modems on the init, is there a chance that it won't
> work at all? (Can't remmeber exactly what is was, a "Phonic something")
Was it Phonic Pro, in a big blue box? I got one of those and it works
fine. You have to set the init string to AT&H I think.
AFAIK there are no modems which can't be used by Miami as they are all
operated by command string sent by you TCP/IP stack (ie Miami) through
your serial port.
If you've got a CD with 'Trio' on it, there is a pdf document on it
which lists all the commands which it uses.


Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38507

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:29:26 -0000
> > I'd like to burn a CD, but I don't have a burner myself.  And 
> > the simplest most obvious way, would be to transfer some files
> > using Zip  disks (Amiga formatted to avoid the DOS filename
> > limitation, or having to put the files into archives).
> Go and get xfs.lha from Aminet and install it - it includes a


Which I just found is MUCH MUCH better ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38508

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:31:37 -0000
> Was it Phonic Pro, in a big blue box? I got one of those and it works
> fine. You have to set the init string to AT&H I think.

AT&H is hangup.. 

The standard works-for-goddamn-everything modem string is AT&F which
resets to factory default settings. There was a more complex "set your
modem up to do v90 and stuff" string in Amigactive 3..

My init string is set to AT&F\r and my exit is just \r and it works
fine everywhere on every ISP I've been with..

> AFAIK there are no modems which can't be used by Miami as they are all
> operated by command string sent by you TCP/IP stack (ie Miami) through
> your serial port.

Oh, special 'Mac' modems are trouble though..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38509

Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:33:17 -0800
> Was it Phonic Pro, in a big blue box? I got one of those and it works
> fine. You have to set the init string to AT&H I think.
> AFAIK there are no modems which can't be used by Miami as they are all
> operated by command string sent by you TCP/IP stack (ie Miami) through
> your serial port.
> If you've got a CD with 'Trio' on it, there is a pdf document on it
> which lists all the commands which it uses.

Fantastic, now I can walk back into the store and buy it and stick two
fingers up at the dorky sales rep. Cheers for your help.

Message 38510

From :"xatiminey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:32:30 -0800
> > Gateway were only interested in the Amiga mouse
> > controller patent (the mouse never jerks, its nice and
> > smooth) but that was for their PC business to use.
> Can someone show me this fabled 'mouse controller'
> patent? I've yet to see it, and I'm beginning to doubt
> that it actually exists.

And it DOES jerk, if you're doing something which uses heaps of CPU
Or something like that. My mouse jerks alot when booting.


Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38511

From :"xatiminey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:37:32 -0800
> > Was it Phonic Pro, in a big blue box? I got one of those and it works
> > fine. You have to set the init string to AT&H I think.
> AT&H is hangup..
Whoops <)

Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38512

Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 03:44:50 -0800
> And it DOES jerk, if you're doing something which uses heaps of CPU
> time.
> Or something like that. My mouse jerks alot when booting.
My mouse jerks, but I have a PPC and according to Phase5 this is caused
by a fault in their 040 chip. It catches instructions which it doesn't
have and emulates them. This causes a jerking mouse which can be seen
when doing something intensive such as RayTracing. I think that's what
written in the docs, don't quote me on that.

Message 38513

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:51:02 -0000
> > And it DOES jerk, if you're doing something which uses heaps of CPU
> > time. Or something like that. My mouse jerks alot when booting.
> My mouse jerks, but I have a PPC and according to Phase5 this 
> is caused by a fault in their 040 chip. It catches instructions which
> it doesn't have and emulates them.

And that's a fault? Jesus, some people just don't know, do they?

> I think that's what written in the docs, don't quote me on that.

It's a FEATURE. If the 68040.library didn't catch instructions
that you didn't have, your mouse wouldn't move at all, because it'd
cause an 8000 0004 error everytime you breathed.

You were right about it's "the 040's fault" (to capture and emulate
the instruction it locks the machine into Supervisor mode) but it
can hardly be classed as 'a fault' and it's certainly not phase5's
"040 chip" either.


PS. Do you think I should start a campaign to get some REAL
computer literacy around here? We'll all be designing Northbridge
chips by Easter, I tell you! ;)

Message 38514

From :"Michael Carrillo" <>
Subject: [afb] Further to the Active thread..
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:16:13 -0800

I just called the new number for Active and got a pre recorded message.

The message states that they are not taking any sales orders.

I hope that this is short term and not forever. As I would like to
upgrade from version 2.

Let's hope that Chris is awaiting new CD rom's to be pressed, as I
would hate to see another Amiga developer go under.


Mikey C

BTW Active's new number is.. +44 (0)131 476 6315

Message 38515

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 30 Nov 99 21:59:16 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  riksweeney <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 20:07:04
About:  [afb] Modems and Miami

Hi riksweeney,

> Dixons piss me off. I asked them if I could return the modem if it
> didn't work. They told me that I couldn't return it if I'd opened it,
> because of the drivers etc. Long story short. If a modem is not listed
> on Miami's list of modems on the init, is there a chance that it won't
> work at all? (Can't remmeber exactly what is was, a "Phonic something")

If the driver software is on a disk that's sealed in an envelope, then
you might have more luck (if you don't break the seal).

If the MODEM is Hayes compatible (and most are), chances are that it
would work.  If it's a "Windows" /specific/ MODEM, then it needs Windows
to work.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38516

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: 30 Nov 99 22:09:37 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Sealey, M. <>
  Via:  '' <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 19:35:23
About:  [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5

Hi M,

> 700 just to use your precious 256 colour mode at warp speed? Is it
> worth it? (and no, I wouldn't use 16bit screens for much more than
> webbrowsing, 'cos I spend most of my life in PPaint)

Aha, that explains why you're such a sarky type, it's all the paint
fumes you're breathing in!

T.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38517

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Cover media - 29/11/99
Date: 30 Nov 99 22:11:37 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 19:32:00
About:  [afb] Re: POLL: Cover media - 29/11/99

Hi Alan,

> if AF with nothing mounted on the front WASNT cheaper, then something is
> seriously screwed. I'd expect it to be at least 1UKP cheaper without the
> CD.
> I'd really prefer the CD to be there though...

Some of us probably buy it for the CD more than anything else.
Especially as the content seems to have changed direction since I
started reading (it doesn't seem as informative).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38518

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 100MHz 68040!
Date: 30 Nov 99 22:02:40 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
  Via:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 19:22:04
About:  [afb] Re: 100MHz 68040!

Hi Alan,

>> of things.  You're really taking pot luck with these adventures.  And
>> don't think manufacturers build in lee-way to accomodate you, they
>> don't, they build things to minimum specifications.
>> Sometimes you can be lucky, sometimes you can be very unlucky (some just
>> won't even go a few percent faster than designed for).

> if it works on more than three A3640's..why wouldnt it work on someone
> elses A3640 ?

I'm not saying it can't.  But, putting a faster chip in a device that
was never designed with that speed in mind, is pure luck whether it will
work for you or not.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38519

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: 30 Nov 99 22:18:21 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Sealey, M. <>
  Via:  '' <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 18:29:03
About:  [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)

Hi Sealey,,

> A Windows machine, with decent hardware and respectable
> drivers and DECENT software by REPUTABLE companies (that
> is, Microsoft, Corel, Lotus - the expensive ones ;) has
> no more chance of failing than an cleanly installed OS3.1
> Amiga..

The words "Microsoft" and "reputable" used in the same sentence??

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38520

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: 30 Nov 99 22:19:55 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 19:28:41
About:  [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???

Hi Alan,
> Gateway were only interested in the Amiga mouse controller patent (the
> mouse never jerks, its nice and smooth) but that was for their PC
> business to use.

Gee, they paid all that money, /just/ for a decent mouse driver.  They
must be more desperate than the average Windows /user/.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38521

From :"Alan Sheriff" <>
Subject: [afb] What`s happening with Iwin??
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:47:16 -0800
I`ve just been on Iwin`s site again, hoping that what I keep reading
about them isn`t true, & that it isn`t all just some elaborate hoax.
In the news section, they announced on Nov. 19th that they had
registered 2 amiga based sites 


at the moment neither of these display on my browser, but they say that
the .com sites will be up & running in the next few days.

Are they really messing us about? It seems pretty harsh if they`re
leading us on.


Message 38522

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: New Amigas?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:11:15 +0000 (GMT)
Hi Tim

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

> I did wonder, seeing as the Amiga was inspired by Tripos, whether any
> thought was given to expanding on that for a new Amiga.

Well, it was only AmigaDOS that was based on Tripos. And, then, only as a
last ditch solution because the intended DOS wasn't going to be ready in
time. As a result, dos.library was a pig to work with until it was
rewritten for OS2.0.
> But I really do wonder if we're likely to see a new Amiga at all.

Do we actually need a new computer with an Amiga badge on it? What I would
like to see is a modern computer with an Amiga-like operating system.

> For
> it to happen, it not only would have to rival the Intel types, but I'd
> say it'd need to be able to run Windows apps, so we don't get left
> behind in the software race again.

There's always "emulators" such as WINE or the other one whose name escapes
me (VMWare or something?). If MS are forced to release the Windows API as a
result of the antitrust trial, then it will make the job easier.

> I need a new computer, I'd rather have one like my existing Amiga, but I
> don't see that happening

If I had the money to buy a new computer at the moment, I would buy a Mac
and run Linux on it. Not an ideal solution, by any means. Mac hardware is
great, whereas I hate kludgy x86 boxes. MacOS drives me completely up the
wall so would be immediately ditched. BeOS would be my prefered solution
over Linux, but there's sod all software available for it. 

I understand your position, though. I'm glad I don't *have* to run any
Windows software.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 38523

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 30 Nov 99 23:14:40 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  xatiminey <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 04:28:53
About:  [afb] Re: Modems and Miami

Hi xatiminey,

>> Dixons piss me off. I asked them if I could return the modem if it
>> didn't work. They told me that I couldn't return it if I'd opened it,
>> because of the drivers etc. Long story short. If a modem is not listed
>> on Miami's list of modems on the init, is there a chance that it won't
>> work at all? (Can't remmeber exactly what is was, a "Phonic something")

> Was it Phonic Pro, in a big blue box? I got one of those and it works
> fine. You have to set the init string to AT&H I think.

There are a few places you can get lists of the standard AT commands,
including my web site (I've acquired the Rockwell instruction text from
someone - I wish I knew where from though, it's a badly transformed HTML
to text translation, and I'd like to get an unbastardised version, but
all I can find is damn PDF files).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38524

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 30 Nov 99 23:18:19 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Sealey, M. <>
  Via:  '' <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 20:31:37
About:  [afb] Re: Modems and Miami

Hi Sealey,,

> My init string is set to AT&F\r and my exit is just \r and it works
> fine everywhere on every ISP I've been with..

Usually that's okay, but some MODEM manufacturers decide to implement
some rather stupid default settings (e.g. no error correction).

I've had to put in init strings on both my MODEMs, else I don't get the
connect speed reported (just the serial port rate).  But that's mostly
cosmetic (assuming none of my software bothers to read this value, and
use it for file transfer time estimations, for instance).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38525

From :"xatiminey" <>
Subject: [afb] Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:29:30 -0800
Just a thought about new amigas.
As one of the G4 cards will basically be a computer by its self running
QNX, sorta bolted onto the side of an amiga, why not sell the G4 boards
as completely new machines which either have custom chip emulation built
into the OS, or some sort of PCI amiga card with the custom chips and
the OS roms onboard?
If this was done, they could be sold to the general market and we'd get
a new amiga very soon. They'd also get potentially more sales, so the
price could be lower.

-curry. hopeful.
Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38526

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: 01 Dec 99 00:06:21 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Sealey, M. <>
  Via:  '' <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 18:33:25
About:  [afb] Re: Amiga Zips

Hi Sealey,,

>> Does anybody know if there's a way to read an Amiga File System
>> formatted Zip disk on a PC?  I know floppies can't be done, due to
>> hardware reasons, but this shouldn't be the case for Zips or hard
>> drives.

> Easy, you get the source code to the AFFS driver for Linux and make
> it into a Windows DLL. Then you rewrite the Zip driver to look for
> AFFS systems and read them using your DLL.

There's a Linux method to read Amiga disks?  Hmm, well I'm intending to
get Linux onto the Windows disaster box, so maybe that's the best thing
to do (also means getting CD burning softare for it too).

>> I'd like to burn a CD, but I don't have a burner myself.  And 
>> the simplest most obvious way, would be to transfer some files
>> using Zip  disks (Amiga formatted to avoid the DOS filename
>> limitation, or having to put the files into archives).

> Go and get xfs.lha from Aminet and install it - it includes a
> Windows95-filenames-compatible PC filesystem mode, along with
> Amiga FFS, some sinclair stuff and a Mac read-only filesystem,
> too (useful for hardfiles).

Downloading it now.

> Which I just found is MUCH MUCH better ;)

This too.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38527

Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 05:41:12 -0800
Complete waste of time for me anyway. Bought the damn thing, from
Dixons (why?), took it to the halls. Opened it. *The stupid bloody
connector won't fit to the computer BUT NEITHER END WILL FIT TO THE


Message 38528

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:42:37 -0000
> Hi Sealey,,
> > A Windows machine, with decent hardware and respectable
> > drivers and DECENT software by REPUTABLE companies (that
> > is, Microsoft, Corel, Lotus - the expensive ones ;) has
> > no more chance of failing than an cleanly installed OS3.1
> > Amiga..
> The words "Microsoft" and "reputable" used in the same sentence??

Ah, I see what you mean. Scratch that, I meant DECENT software
from FAMOUS companies ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38529

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:45:34 -0000
> Hi Sealey,
> > My init string is set to AT&F\r and my exit is just \r and it works
> > fine everywhere on every ISP I've been with..
> Usually that's okay, but some MODEM manufacturers decide to implement
> some rather stupid default settings (e.g. no error correction).

Some *crap* modem manufacturers :)

Please can you stop saying MODEM anyway? It's like you're shouting on
that word..

> I've had to put in init strings on both my MODEMs, else I don't get
> the connect speed reported (just the serial port rate).  But that's mostly
> cosmetic (assuming none of my software bothers to read this value, and
> use it for file transfer time estimations, for instance).

Well my modems both had cracking defaults ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38530

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:49:38 -0000
> Hi Sealey,,
> >> Does anybody know if there's a way to read an Amiga File System
> >> formatted Zip disk on a PC?  I know floppies can't be done, due to
> >> hardware reasons, but this shouldn't be the case for Zips or hard
> >> drives.
> > Easy, you get the source code to the AFFS driver for Linux and make
> > it into a Windows DLL. Then you rewrite the Zip driver to look for
> > AFFS systems and read them using your DLL.
> There's a Linux method to read Amiga disks? 

Has been for YEAAARS! It should be in pretty much every decent distro.

If yer gonna get Linux, I say get Corel Linux (for 'tis Debian with
knobs on). You *are* over 18, right? :)

Rich'll be able to help you..

> Hmm, well I'm intending to get Linux onto the Windows disaster box,
> so maybe that's the best thing to do (also means getting CD burning
> softare for it too).

The CD burning software for Linux sucks, or at least all the stuff I've
been recommended is NOWHERE NEAR as good as the Windows stuff - which is
in turn NOWHERE NEAR as good as MakeCD or MasterISO on the Amiga..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38531

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:47:08 -0000
> Just a thought about new amigas.
> As one of the G4 cards will basically be a computer by its 
> self running QNX

Hmm? Who told you that?

> sorta bolted onto the side of an amiga, why not sell the 
> G4 boards as completely new machines which either have

Because the G4 card is not a computer, it's a processor on
a card, with a bridge chip and a bus interface and some
glue logic. You'd need a LOT more to make a 'completely
new machine'

It's not as simple as you make out.

> If this was done, they could be sold to the general market 
> and we'd get a new amiga very soon. They'd also get
> potentially more sales, so the price could be lower.

Nope. It's just NOT that simple..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38532

Subject: [afb] Re: Got OS3.5
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 05:53:44 -0800
> Go get Deficons44.lha from Aminet, and whack it somewhere in your
> user-startup.
> (....) 
> Voila, instant, FANTASTIC looking deficons!

Cheers. I'll give it a try.

Message 38533

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Got OS3.5
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:56:04 -0000
> > Go get Deficons44.lha from Aminet, and whack it somewhere in your
> > user-startup.
> > (....) 
> > Voila, instant, FANTASTIC looking deficons!
> Cheers. I'll give it a try.

A try? You'll DO IT, and you'll DAMN WELL LIKE IT, Soldier!


Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38534

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: 01 Dec 99 00:29:28 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Sealey, M. <>
  Via:  '' <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 22:49:38
About:  [afb] Re: Amiga Zips

Hi Sealey,,

>> There's a Linux method to read Amiga disks? 

> Has been for YEAAARS! It should be in pretty much every decent distro.
> If yer gonna get Linux, I say get Corel Linux (for 'tis Debian with
> knobs on). You *are* over 18, right? :)

Hmm, I've already got Red Hat and Caldera disks.  Is Corel one you have
to pay for, or spend six years downloading?

> Rich'll be able to help you..

>> Hmm, well I'm intending to get Linux onto the Windows disaster box,
>> so maybe that's the best thing to do (also means getting CD burning
>> softare for it too).

> The CD burning software for Linux sucks, or at least all the stuff I've
> been recommended is NOWHERE NEAR as good as the Windows stuff - which is
> in turn NOWHERE NEAR as good as MakeCD or MasterISO on the Amiga..

Oh bugger.  Yet another spanner in the works.  If only I'd been
available to afford an external SCSI burner...  I suppose I could try
ripping the IDE burner out of the Windoze box, but I don't like the idea
of all the IDE mucking around on the A1200 that would entail.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38535

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 01 Dec 99 00:31:36 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Sealey, M. <>
  Via:  '' <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 22:45:34
About:  [afb] Re: Modems and Miami


>>> My init string is set to AT&F\r and my exit is just \r and it works
>>> fine everywhere on every ISP I've been with..
>> Usually that's okay, but some MODEM manufacturers decide to implement
>> some rather stupid default settings (e.g. no error correction).

> Some *crap* modem manufacturers :)

There's all too many of them.  ;-)

> Please can you stop saying MODEM anyway? It's like you're shouting on
> that word..

No.  It's an not a real word in itself.  How about you take the illegal
comma out of your e-mail address name prefixe.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38536

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: 01 Dec 99 00:32:44 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Sealey, M. <>
  Via:  '' <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 22:42:37
About:  [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)


>>> A Windows machine, with decent hardware and respectable
>>> drivers and DECENT software by REPUTABLE companies (that
>>> is, Microsoft, Corel, Lotus - the expensive ones ;) has
>>> no more chance of failing than an cleanly installed OS3.1
>>> Amiga..
>> The words "Microsoft" and "reputable" used in the same sentence??

> Ah, I see what you mean. Scratch that, I meant DECENT software
> from FAMOUS companies ;)

That's still not much better. ;-)

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38537

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: New Amigas?
Date: 01 Dec 99 00:43:12 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Richard Drummond <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  30-Nov-99 22:11:15
About:  [afb] Re: New Amigas?

Hi Richard,

>> But I really do wonder if we're likely to see a new Amiga at all.

> Do we actually need a new computer with an Amiga badge on it? What I would
> like to see is a modern computer with an Amiga-like operating system.

Not really.  It's how this computer works that I like.  I'm not
obsessive about which computer it actually is.

>> For it to happen, it not only would have to rival the Intel types, but
>> I'd say it'd need to be able to run Windows apps, so we don't get left
>> behind in the software race again.

> There's always "emulators" such as WINE or the other one whose name escapes
> me (VMWare or something?). If MS are forced to release the Windows API as a
> result of the antitrust trial, then it will make the job easier.

Yep, emulation would be the way, rather than some nasty form of dual
booting system.

>> I need a new computer, I'd rather have one like my existing Amiga, but I
>> don't see that happening

> If I had the money to buy a new computer at the moment, I would buy a Mac
> and run Linux on it. Not an ideal solution, by any means. Mac hardware is
> great, whereas I hate kludgy x86 boxes. MacOS drives me completely up the
> wall so would be immediately ditched. BeOS would be my prefered solution
> over Linux, but there's sod all software available for it. 

I think I hate Macs worse than Windows.  They're so limited when it
comes to techy fiddling.  And those new iMacs look like they're made out
of jelly beans.  As well as having the worst keyboards and mice that
I've ever tried.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38538

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] Everyone Ignoring Me?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:22:12 +0000
Um, is everyone ignoring me?
Ive posted three things recently, all of which have been ignored.

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC or #Pub

Message 38539

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 30 Nov 1999 12:55:20 +0000
xatiminey said, 

> AFAIK there are no modems which can't be used by Miami as they are all
> operated by command string sent by you TCP/IP stack (ie Miami) through
> your serial port.

So called "WinModems" don't work with anything but Windows. And they
don't work very well then.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Virus detected, delete Windows? (Y/n).

Message 38540

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 30 Nov 1999 12:57:26 +0000
Sealey, M. said, 

> The standard works-for-goddamn-everything modem string is AT&F which
> resets to factory default settings.

Almost everything. for reasons known only to themselves, USR decided to
put the correct settings for Internet use in the alternate default
setup for many of their modems. So you need AT&F1\r.

The settings from AT&F\r don't correctly enable hardware handshaking.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I came, I saw, I had no idea what was going on, I left.

Message 38541

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 30 Nov 1999 13:0:11 +0000
Michael Carrillo said, 

> I just called the new number for Active and got a pre recorded message.

> The message states that they are not taking any sales orders.

Active's products are now distributed by Eyetech in the UK.

> I hope that this is short term and not forever. As I would like to
> upgrade from version 2.

I don't know if this applies to upgrades, best call Eyetech and ask

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Mr. bullfrog says: "time's fun when you're having flies."

Message 38542

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Everyone Ignoring Me?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:29:25 +0100
On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 02:22:12PM +0000, Samuel Byford wrote:
> Hello,
> Um, is everyone ignoring me?
> Ive posted three things recently, all of which have been ignored.

Who said that :)

Don't worry Sam - it happens to me all the time. I have realised that there
are 3 possibilities:
1 - One has made an unrefutable comment and no-one else can comment
2 - One has made a comment so stupid that no-one wants to comment
3 - People are ignoring you :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38543

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:31:35 -0000
> >> There's a Linux method to read Amiga disks? 
> > Has been for YEAAARS! It should be in pretty much every 
> > decent distro.
> >
> > If yer gonna get Linux, I say get Corel Linux (for 'tis Debian with
> > knobs on). You *are* over 18, right? :)
> Hmm, I've already got Red Hat and Caldera disks.  Is Corel one you have
> to pay for, or spend six years downloading?

The only big things you need to download Corel are an age above 18
and a CD-Writer (which you have).

ALL Linux distros take six years to download. And you have to pay
for ALL of them, too (media costs, and/or six years of phone bills :)

There's no such thing as 'Commercial Linux' - i.e. they're all
free. The thing you pay for is support, not the OS.

Corel is the best one, though..

> > The CD burning software for Linux sucks, or at least all 
> > the stuff I've been recommended is NOWHERE NEAR as good
> > as the Windows stuff - which is in turn NOWHERE NEAR as
> > good as MakeCD or MasterISO on the Amiga..
> Oh bugger.  Yet another spanner in the works.  If only I'd been
> available to afford an external SCSI burner...  I suppose I could try
> ripping the IDE burner out of the Windoze box, but I don't 
> like the idea of all the IDE mucking around on the A1200 that
> would entail.


Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester 

Message 38544

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:32:51 -0000
> >> The words "Microsoft" and "reputable" used in the same sentence??
> > Ah, I see what you mean. Scratch that, I meant DECENT software
> > from FAMOUS companies ;)
> That's still not much better. ;-)


Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38545

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:33:08 +0100
On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 01:00:11PM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > I just called the new number for Active and got a pre recorded message.
> > The message states that they are not taking any sales orders.
> Active's products are now distributed by Eyetech in the UK.

Crumbs! When did that happen?

Do you know anymore Neil and/or Ben? Actually has Ben posted anything today
- Richard? Someone (apart from Matt or Tim who I know are talking!)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38546

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Everyone Ignoring Me?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:33:25 -0000
> Hello,
> Um, is everyone ignoring me?
> Ive posted three things recently, all of which have been ignored.

You obviously post very boring, or very obscure stuff.

What where they about? I seem to have forgotten..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38547

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Linux (not Amigas)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:37:03 -0000

There y'go, Tim.

$4.95 for the OS on CD. Or you download it,
cut it to your own CD and off you go.

Whichever is cheaper, I guess..

(note that the $59 version comes with Wordperfect
and a load of other neat TECHNICAL SUPPORT jobbies
and silly shareware apps, and the manuals..)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38548

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:41:14 +0000 (GMT)

> > Does anybody know if there's a way to read an Amiga File System
> > formatted Zip disk on a PC?  I know floppies can't be done, due to
> > hardware reasons, but this shouldn't be the case for Zips or hard
> > drives.

if the PC is running Linux it can read an OFS or FFS ZIP drive

Message 38549

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:42:42 -0000
> > > Does anybody know if there's a way to read an Amiga File System
> > > formatted Zip disk on a PC?  I know floppies can't be done, due to
> > > hardware reasons, but this shouldn't be the case for Zips or hard
> > > drives.
> if the PC is running Linux it can read an OFS or FFS ZIP drive

Too slow, Alan ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38550

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:43:18 +0000 (GMT)
On 30 Nov 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

> What the hell has paying for something got to do with it?  Buying the
> (currently) less than stable OS 3.5, just for it's new Reactor GUI is
> the biggest load of codswallop I've heard for a long time.  This will do

whats unstable about OS3.5 then?

> got, that depend on MUI.  And you'd better beleive that there's going to
> be more applications to be made still using MUI.  We're stuck with the
> bastard.

until the native Amiga GUI gets just that bit better...and at that point
most still-developed programs should move across. Miami already has ;-)


Message 38551

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:45:51 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> NEVER have they said that they were concentrating SOLELY on an API
> layer. NEVER did they say ANY kind of OS - your Windows 2000 and
> Linux comments are speculative at best.

its not about the box. its not about the OS.  i think *they* summed it
up pretty well themselves! ;-)
> The best way *I* can explain it (and I think the best way I've
> heard so far) is that they're making their little Linux distro
> with a neat webbrowser and mail client and stuff (AOL deal here?),
> implementing AmigaObjects and selling it to customers who want
> to implement internet devices.

what about the 'it'll run ontop of any OS' claim?
> Can someone show me this fabled 'mouse controller'
> patent? I've yet to see it, and I'm beginning to doubt
> that it actually exists.

controlling the mouse by CIA polling rather than the mouse producing
serial data to be read?


Message 38552

From :"Michael Carrillo" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 06:47:05 -0800
"neil bothwick" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Michael Carrillo said, 
> > I just called the new number for Active and got a pre recorded
> > The message states that they are not taking any sales orders.
> Active's products are now distributed by Eyetech in the UK.
> > I hope that this is short term and not forever. As I would like to
> > upgrade from version 2.
> I don't know if this applies to upgrades, best call Eyetech and ask
> them.

Thanks Neil, I did, I called Eyetech and they informed me that they are
accepting updates, as long as you send back your original disk back.

However, I am disappointed as the upgrade price has shot up to =A334.99 +
=A33 P&P

Oh well, talk about screwing a loyal customer...


Mikey C

Message 38553

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:47:33 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> > if the PC is running Linux it can read an OFS or FFS ZIP drive
> Too slow, Alan ;)

I have work to do...i cant spend all day emailing 8-P


Message 38554

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:47:48 -0000
> On 30 Nov 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:
> > What the hell has paying for something got to do with it?  
> > Buying the (currently) less than stable OS 3.5, just for
> > it's new Reactor GUI is the biggest load of codswallop
> > I've heard for a long time.  This will do

I'd just like to correct Tim in that Reactor is the GUI
creation tool, and that Reaction is the new GUI system. There
is a big difference (you don't get Reactor with OS3.5)

> whats unstable about OS3.5 then?

He's just drawing from the horror stories.
> until the native Amiga GUI gets just that bit better...




There is *NO* difference between it and the original BOOPSI
classes you get with Workbench 3.1

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38555

Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 06:53:09 -0800
> > whats unstable about OS3.5 then?
> He's just drawing from the horror stories.
The horror stories being about having the install from scratch. I did
find that the install didn't replace my old GlowIcons with the new
ones, but that's now fixed. I had to reinstall from scratch, but that's
because I'd knackered some parts of the preferences and I didn't want
them reappearing when I installed OS3.5. I'm more than happy with it
now. Give OS3.5 a go, it's great to have a smooth scrolling directory
and no refreshing...

Message 38556

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:53:22 -0000
> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > NEVER have they said that they were concentrating SOLELY on an API
> > layer. NEVER did they say ANY kind of OS - your Windows 2000 and
> > Linux comments are speculative at best.
> its not about the box. its not about the OS.  i think *they* summed it
> up pretty well themselves! ;-)

Misinterpretation. Tom was trying to field flames away from the canned
MCC project ('box'), and away from any new custom AmigaOS system (The
KICKASS Window Manager RRRRRRevolution!!!!!!!!!). They'll make their
special STB-Linux, just you watch, and it'll have AmigaObjects on.

But you'll not see it as an AmigaOS. It'll just be Linux with
AmigaObjects on.

Plus, it can be interpreted as being a bit sneaky. It's not about
> > The best way *I* can explain it (and I think the best way I've
> > heard so far) is that they're making their little Linux distro
> > with a neat webbrowser and mail client and stuff (AOL deal here?),
> > implementing AmigaObjects and selling it to customers who want
> > to implement internet devices.
> what about the 'it'll run ontop of any OS' claim?

It will, but that isn't going to stop them making a rather profitable
STB system from their Linux work. Think about it - rather than sell
the AmigaObjects technology licenses to STB manufacturers, you give
them a lovely Linux distro with all kinds of neat apps built in.

You basically brand the STB with Amiga technology, rather than
having it as a very small aspect..
> > Can someone show me this fabled 'mouse controller'
> > patent? I've yet to see it, and I'm beginning to doubt
> > that it actually exists.
> controlling the mouse by CIA polling rather than the
> mouse producing serial data to be read?

No, you've somehow misunderstood me. When I say "show me
this fabled .. patent" I meant SHOW ME, not 'tell me what
it does'.

Besides, I don't think you could patent the Amiga mouse
system... you sure couldn't use it on any other system..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38557

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:03:02 +0000
On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 11:19:14AM -0000, Sealey, M. wrote:

> Can someone show me this fabled 'mouse controller'
> patent? I've yet to see it, and I'm beginning to doubt
> that it actually exists.

Hmm. I was under the impression that it was the "Hold down the right mouse
button to get a menu, and then select multiple things with the left mouse
button while still holding down the right mouse button" thing. However, I
make no claims of accuracy.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 38558

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:02:51 -0000
> > > whats unstable about OS3.5 then?
> > 
> > He's just drawing from the horror stories.
> The horror stories being about having the install from scratch.


The ones where all kinds of freaky things happen.

The thing is that any new OS *SHOULD* be installed from scratch,
if you consider your sanity as being important. That's ANY new
OS, as in Windows (as standard ;), Linux, AmigaOS, whatever,
UNLESS you can GUARANTEE that it's not been altered from it's
default settings...

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38559

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:08:34 -0000
> On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 11:19:14AM -0000, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > Can someone show me this fabled 'mouse controller'
> > patent? I've yet to see it, and I'm beginning to doubt
> > that it actually exists.
> Hmm. I was under the impression that it was the "Hold down 
> the right mouse button to get a menu, and then select
> multiple things with the left mouse button while still
> holding down the right mouse button" thing. However, I
> make no claims of accuracy.

I thought it that was the 'mouse patent' as well, but Gateway
wouldn't have bought Amiga JUST for that - and they couldn't
implement it ANYWAY (Windows wouldn't let them, would it?)
so it'd just sit there.

There must be another 'mouse patent' but I can't see how
they can patent the method Alan seems to think it is..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38560

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 30 Nov 99 15:02:23 +0000
On 30 Nov 1999 13:0:11 +0000, Neil Bothwick wibbled=2E=2E=2E

> Active's products are now distributed by Eyetech in the UK=2E
> I don't know if this applies to upgrades, best call Eyetech and ask
> them=2E

Thanks, Neil=2E I just called Eyetech, and they are honouring upgrades,
although not at the =A329=2E99 offer price - upgrades from NC2>NC3 are
=A334=2E95 + postage=2E

Looks like I'll get it after all :)

=2E-------------------------------The Wibble----------------------------=2E
|    Kenneth Williams says - "I'd endorse The Wibble, but I'm dead"   |
| http://www=2Ethewibble=2Eco=2Euk http://www=2Ethe-wibble=2Eco=2Euk ICQ 28=
589940 |
`------Now updated regularly! i=2Ee=2E more than once a week, usually-----'

Message 38561

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Amiga books ....
Date: 30 Nov 99 15:09:02 +0000
I was just at the local library looking for a couple of books on Java for a
report I'm meant to be doing for work, and I spotted a couple of Amiga
books there!

One of them was a book on AMOS, which I left, but I brought home the other
one.  It's an "Amiga Shopper Presents" book about "ARexx: Your Amiga's
Built-in Turbocharger" by Toby Simpson.  As it's a Future Publishing book,
I was wondering if anyone on here (well, two people in particular ;-) knew
if copies are still available to buy, and if not, if any more are likely to
ever be printed?  And not just the ARexx book, I'm sure that there are
quite a few people on here who'd love to get hold of a copy of "Complete
Amiga C" too  ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267

Message 38562

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: 30 Nov 99 13:28:01 +0000
Hello Alan L.M. Buxey, on 30-Nov-99 10:25:35 you said about:
  [afb] Re: Active 

>On 29 Nov 1999, Daniel Thornton wrote:

>> There's only so much time that you can wait patiently; (almost) two
>> months after the software has been released, I'm starting to get
>> impatient.

>2 months?? had to wait 6 months for my BVision....people have waited for
>more than a year for theirs!

I must've been lucky - my PPC turned up in half the expected time, and
my BVision turned up within 2 weeks of ordering it....

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
Digression is the better part of Valium.

Message 38563

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 30 Nov 99 13:39:30 +0000
Hello xatiminey, on 30-Nov-99 19:28:53 you said about:
  [afb] Re: Modems and Miami 

>> Dixons piss me off. I asked them if I could return the modem if it
>> didn't work. They told me that I couldn't return it if I'd opened it,
>> because of the drivers etc. Long story short. If a modem is not listed
>> on Miami's list of modems on the init, is there a chance that it won't
>> work at all? (Can't remmeber exactly what is was, a "Phonic something")
>Was it Phonic Pro, in a big blue box? I got one of those and it works
>fine. You have to set the init string to AT&H I think.
>AFAIK there are no modems which can't be used by Miami as they are all
>operated by command string sent by you TCP/IP stack (ie Miami) through
>your serial port.
>If you've got a CD with 'Trio' on it, there is a pdf document on it
>which lists all the commands which it uses.

Not all, you have to watch out for "Winmodems". These have certain
hardware bits and pieces replaced with Windoze software, IYSWIM....

Anyhoo, apart from them wastes of space, any `standard' modem should
work with an Amiga. An init string of AT&F should work OK with it.

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
IBM: Idiots Built Me

Message 38564

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:58:06 -0000
> Not all, you have to watch out for "Winmodems". These have certain
> hardware bits and pieces replaced with Windoze software, IYSWIM....

Don't they only come in PCI flavours, though? I don't think I've
ever seen a non-PCI winmodem... let alone one that comes off the
serial port..
Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38565

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Waiting for.....
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:03:56 +0100
On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 01:28:01PM +0000, Andy Mills wrote:
> >2 months?? had to wait 6 months for my BVision....people have waited for
> >more than a year for theirs!
> I must've been lucky - my PPC turned up in half the expected time, and
> my BVision turned up within 2 weeks of ordering it....

Well - there are names for people like you :)

Talking of waiting - I ordered ArtEffect 3 with all the gubbins from
Blittersoft at the beginning of October/late September and I still haven't
seen hide nor hair of it - despite chasing at least 2 times a week :) I
understand that H&P are the problem - but at least they haven't cashed the
cheque yet....

Next on my list is a Power Tower 4000 from Power themselves - they have
always delivered within 2 days as have Eyetech - good fellas and


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38566

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:06:55 +0100
On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 03:58:06PM -0000, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > Not all, you have to watch out for "Winmodems". These have certain
> > hardware bits and pieces replaced with Windoze software, IYSWIM....
> Don't they only come in PCI flavours, though? I don't think I've
> ever seen a non-PCI winmodem... let alone one that comes off the
> serial port..

Hmmm - I was having this very same discussion last week. we decided that
WinModems HAD to be internal as otherwise you would get MODulated info down
the serial port, which would be woo, woo noises as opposed to 1s and 0s.

I ought to find out really as I work for bleedin' modem chipset manufacturer
and spend half my time working with the other end of the telephone line :)



Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38567

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:14:41 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, xatiminey wrote:

> Just a thought about new amigas.
> As one of the G4 cards will basically be a computer by its self running
> QNX, sorta bolted onto the side of an amiga, why not sell the G4 boards
> as completely new machines which either have custom chip emulation built
> into the OS, or some sort of PCI amiga card with the custom chips and
> the OS roms onboard?

what'd'ya think the Phase5 AmiRage is going to be? ;-)


Message 38568

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 30 Nov 1999 15:9:3 +0000
Tudor Davies said, 

> On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 01:00:11PM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> > I just called the new number for Active and got a pre recorded message.
>> > The message states that they are not taking any sales orders.
>> Active's products are now distributed by Eyetech in the UK.

> Crumbs! When did that happen?

Some months ago. Certainly before the second issue of Amiga Active went
to press as that has Eyetech as the supplier of STFax4.

> Do you know anymore Neil and/or Ben?

That's it really. Active are still handling development, but retail
sales are now through Eyetech.

> Actually has Ben posted anything today
> - Richard? Someone

Maybe Ben's on holiday, since he's posting nothing and Richard's posting
more to the AA list than AFB :)

> (apart from Matt or Tim who I know are talking!)

Did you omit a word there? :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Bother," said Pooh, as someone flamed him for no reason.

Message 38569

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:15:25 +0000 (GMT)
On 1 Dec 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

> There's a Linux method to read Amiga disks?  Hmm, well I'm intending to
> get Linux onto the Windows disaster box, so maybe that's the best thing
> to do (also means getting CD burning softare for it too).

theres very good CD burning software for Linux.


Message 38570

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Everyone Ignoring Me?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:45:11 +0200
Hello Samuel

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Um, is everyone ignoring me?
> Ive posted three things recently, all of which have been ignored.

  Don't worry, it happens all the time. To me as well. Here, there and

> Visit my site:

  OK, I'll do that for you.


'Who is it?'
( William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet, act 5, scene 3 )

Message 38571

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:15:47 -0000
> On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 03:58:06PM -0000, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > > Not all, you have to watch out for "Winmodems". These have certain
> > > hardware bits and pieces replaced with Windoze software, 
> > > IYSWIM....
> > 
> > Don't they only come in PCI flavours, though? I don't think I've
> > ever seen a non-PCI winmodem...

(note: by that I mean ISA or PCMCIA)

> > let alone one that comes off the serial port..
> Hmmm - I was having this very same discussion last week. we 
> decided that WinModems HAD to be internal as otherwise you
> would get MODulated info down the serial port, which would
> be woo, woo noises as opposed to 1s and 0s.

Would it be possible to compress data using software and
send THAT as digital data to the modem through serial?

And the same for decompression (so the modem just acts
as it was intended, modulating and demodulating, and
spooling data back and forth without a regard)

I mean, I would have thought that all that data compression
stuff (and all those different standards!) would be the first
thing to come out. What is there to say that Winmodems have
to have anything else done for them? The level of software
(in)dependancy isn't fixed..

THAT SAID, I've still never seen a non-PCI winmodem..

> I ought to find out really as I work for bleedin' modem 
> chipset manufacturer and spend half my time working with
> the other end of the telephone line :)

LOL :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38572

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:16:30 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 wrote:

> Complete waste of time for me anyway. Bought the damn thing, from
> Dixons (why?), took it to the halls. Opened it. *The stupid bloody
> connector won't fit to the computer BUT NEITHER END WILL FIT TO THE
> MODEM!!!!!! 

you`ve bought a USB modem? maybe with a serial cable?  Otherwise, if its
a 9-pin jobby you'll have to get an adapter 9/25 for the amiga serial


Message 38573

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:16:56 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> Please can you stop saying MODEM anyway? It's like you're shouting on
> that word..

MoDem :-)

Message 38574

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:17:27 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> The CD burning software for Linux sucks, or at least all the stuff I've
> been recommended is NOWHERE NEAR as good as the Windows stuff - which is
> in turn NOWHERE NEAR as good as MakeCD or MasterISO on the Amiga..

i'll buy that for a dollar!! 8-)


Message 38575

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:17:41 -0000
> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 wrote:
> > Complete waste of time for me anyway. Bought the damn thing, from
> > Dixons (why?), took it to the halls. Opened it. *The stupid bloody
> > connector won't fit to the computer BUT NEITHER END WILL FIT TO THE
> > MODEM!!!!!! 
> you`ve bought a USB modem? maybe with a serial cable?  
> Otherwise, if its a 9-pin jobby you'll have to get an adapter 9/25
> for the amiga serial

But how do you connect the modem to the serial lead? :)

Come on Alan, half a solution isn't good enough ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38576

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:18:22 +0000 (GMT)
On 1 Dec 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

> Oh bugger.  Yet another spanner in the works.  If only I'd been
> available to afford an external SCSI burner...  I suppose I could try
> ripping the IDE burner out of the Windoze box, but I don't like the idea
> of all the IDE mucking around on the A1200 that would entail.

I use an ATAPI CDwriter on my Amiga with MakeCD. what make of CD writer
is it?


Message 38577

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:21:39 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:


i know...and until it [Reaction in its current form] get better than MUI
at layouts etc then MUI will still be favoured

Message 38578

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:24:38 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> But how do you connect the modem to the serial lead? :)
> Come on Alan, half a solution isn't good enough ;)

2 converters - or just buy a 25-25 lead! :-)


Message 38579

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:25:21 -0000
> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > 
> i know...and until it [Reaction in its current form] get 
> better than MUI at layouts etc then MUI will still be
> favoured

Define 'better at layouts', giving code examples where

You really don't think I'll accept your vague explainations
and excuses, do you? Come on Alan, prove yourself. So far
you've argued then avoided the analogue controller argument
by latching onto programming 'easiness' and the rumble pak.
You'll avoid those too somehow, I know it.

You explain to me *HOW* MUI is better at layout than
Reaction is and *WHY* and I might be inclined to beleive

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38580

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:44:35 +0000 (GMT)
Hi Tudor

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

>> Active's products are now distributed by Eyetech in the UK.
> Crumbs! When did that happen?
> Do you know anymore Neil and/or Ben? Actually has Ben posted anything
> today - Richard? Someone (apart from Matt or Tim who I know are talking!)

If you read the review in AF it said 'Available from Eyetech'.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 38581

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Anybody seen the AF staff? (was Further to the Active thread..)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:49:59 +0000 (GMT)
Hi Neil

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

>> Actually has Ben posted anything today
>> - Richard? Someone

Ben's on holiday yesterday and today. Yesterday I was recovering from a wild
weekend and so was incapble of even the limited  amount of brain function
required to send email. Today, I've been incredibly busy with readers'

> Maybe Ben's on holiday, since he's posting nothing and Richard's posting
> more to the AA list than AFB :)

That's a scurrilous lie, Neil, and you know it. ;)


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 38582

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:55:06 +0100
On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 03:09:03PM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> Some months ago. Certainly before the second issue of Amiga Active went
> to press as that has Eyetech as the supplier of STFax4.

Oh <trying to fein knowledge>

> Maybe Ben's on holiday, since he's posting nothing and Richard's posting
> more to the AA list than AFB :)

I know - I'm watching that as well :)

> > (apart from Matt or Tim who I know are talking!)
> Did you omit a word there? :)

No - I should have said shouting *not* talking :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38583

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:58:56 +0100
On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 04:44:35PM +0000, Richard Drummond wrote:

> >> Active's products are now distributed by Eyetech in the UK.
> > Crumbs! When did that happen?
> If you read the review in AF it said 'Available from Eyetech'.

Oh, ha, ho! So now the truth is out - you want me to read every single 
word do you?

B****y journo's and their ilk :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38584

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:09:38 +0000 (GMT)

> You really don't think I'll accept your vague explainations
> and excuses, do you? Come on Alan, prove yourself. So far
> you've argued then avoided the analogue controller argument
> by latching onto programming 'easiness' and the rumble pak.
> You'll avoid those too somehow, I know it.

I'm wondering whether I should carry on that thread on this Amiga list
> You explain to me *HOW* MUI is better at layout than
> Reaction is and *WHY* and I might be inclined to beleive
> you..

well, for a start there are the large number of layout options and
automated controls that MUI offers. If MUI wasnt as good as it is, it
wouldnt be used! (and no, its not a case of 'how easy it is to create
a layout' because it isnt easy at all to gte good results.) the usage of
MUI is down to the powerful layout abilities of the program..just look
at the GUI features of V3 compared to AWeb.


Message 38585

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:14:35 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> It was
> a) Created before Sony made 'Dual Shock' controllers

no it wasnt, the DS had been available in Japan for a long time.

> b) Not Shoddy.
> c) Part of the original console specs. They didn't
> release the Rumble Pak before the first game to
> support it came out - Starfox. And Starfox was
> being coded alongside Mario64..
> Define shoddy anyway? The fact that it needs batteries (the N64
> doesn't supply much power to it's joypads as the PSX does) does
> not make it shoddy..

the fact that its an addon for the controller, the fact that it requires
batteries...if it REALLY WAS in the original console spec, then they'd
have made sure there was a voltage line of enough power going to the
pads....wouldnt they? ;-)

> And where did you do this research?

from the mouths of development teams you not read the
dev. team features of Edge magazine?
> And the R4300i is a good 10 times faster, so you don't need to know
> how clean it is - the compiler does all that for you..

..unless you want to eek out more performance - ie do assembler
> By who?

by Nintendo
> Show me.

Edge, this month. in their 'who will win the console future' article
> So, it's a choice between getting a PSX2, and a few launch games
> which are essentially sequels to the games you already HAVE and
> CAN play on the PSX..

...or getting a Dolphin and having to start from scratch...with Sequels
of games already on the N64? ;-)
> Or just not buying a PSX and STILL having access to that 'instant
> library' without the statutory price markup of new console games..?

then you lose the DVD player and new, better games option.
> Plus if you buy a PSX2, what will you do with the PSX1?

sell it for 30 ukp. there'll be a lot of buyers for that price


Message 38586

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: 30 Nov 99 17:08:57 +0000
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:25:21 -0000, Sealey, M. wibbled...

> You explain to me *HOW* MUI is better at layout than
> Reaction is and *WHY* and I might be inclined to beleive
> you..

I've never used Reaction (only it's predecessor, ClassAct), and I have
to say, while Reaction/CA is undoubtedly faster, MUI /looks/ better. 
.-------------------------------The Wibble----------------------------.
|    Kenneth Williams says - "I'd endorse The Wibble, but I'm dead"   |
| ICQ 28589940 |
`------Now updated regularly! i.e. more than once a week, usually-----'

Message 38587

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Claws Of The Devil
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:18:10 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Sam Byford wrote:

> Ive just been checking all my Url links to make sure they all still
> work, and while at Titan Computings page saw what look to be a very
> prommising PPC game, Claws Of The Devil. It looks almost Zeldaish in
> look.

ah!! this is the thing you wanted replying to about?

its old news now....and we're waiting for further details of this game
having heard very little in the way of progress reports recently

Message 38588

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:20:43 -0000
> hi,
> > You really don't think I'll accept your vague explainations
> > and excuses, do you? Come on Alan, prove yourself. So far
> > you've argued then avoided the analogue controller argument
> > by latching onto programming 'easiness' and the rumble pak.
> > You'll avoid those too somehow, I know it.
> I'm wondering whether I should carry on that thread on this
> Amiga list

Because you're losing and you know it ;)

> > You explain to me *HOW* MUI is better at layout than
> > Reaction is and *WHY* and I might be inclined to beleive
> > you..
> well, for a start there are the large number of layout options and
> automated controls that MUI offers.

Explain. I know already, but that doesn't make it better - a lot
of it is confusing to many people because the choice of layout
options, gadget methods, etc. is too vast.

Look at how many GUIs implemented in MUI don't resize properly,
because when they have balancing groups installed - the balancing
groups are LOCKED DOWN!

> If MUI wasnt as good as it is, it wouldnt be used!

MUI is older than Reaction, and certainly more established. Also
due to the commercial nature of Reaction (you used to have to
pay for the includes and autodocs) it was increasingly difficult
to actually CREATE custom classes as MUI has been known for.

Now that the developer documentation is freely available (as is
the GUI tool Reactor, on the Developer CD) and that it is EASY
to get hold of the Reaction classes (go ask your dealer about
OS3.5 :) there should be nothing stopping users from creating
their OWN classes, mimicing those of MUI if need be.

Hell, I've even managed to get hold of Reaction's source code!!
(a set of Reaction glyph.image classes will flood the Aminet
soon, in VisualPrefs styles - no more ugly Reaction GUIs :)

> the usage of MUI is down to the powerful layout abilities
> of the program..just look at the GUI features of V3 compared
> to AWeb.

Again, that is no fault of Reaction. IMO AWeb has had much more
effort put into it's usage of the network and the HTML language
than into fancy MUI GUI tricks like Voyager has - I mean, who
#really# needs floating toolbars, hoverable buttons, those silly
"message of the day" libraries and all that jazz?

You haven't explained it properly yet, come on give me

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38589

From :Bert Volders <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What`s happening with Iwin??
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:21:07 +0100
Hey Alan

On 30-nov-99, you wrote:

> & 
> at the moment neither of these display on my browser, but they say that
> the .com sites will be up & running in the next few days.

Here they both display the (standard) iWin page.
> Are they really messing us about? It seems pretty harsh if they`re
> leading us on.

As for the pasr years again we'll have to wait and see again... Man, we must
be the most patience breed of computer users.
> Alan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AFB: All polls MUST have dates!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar!
> --
Bert Volders
^^^^^Don't go there, its not finished yet...
ICQ_Nick: Speedy
ICQ_UIN: 38809545

Message 38590

From :"Chris Green" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:23:24 -0000
> > Oh bugger.  Yet another spanner in the works.  If only I'd been
> > available to afford an external SCSI burner...  I suppose I could try
> > ripping the IDE burner out of the Windoze box, but I don't like the idea
> > of all the IDE mucking around on the A1200 that would entail.

What mucking around - all you need is a decent buffered IDE interface. I
recommend the Power Flyer for use with an IDE burner, but that's not to say
you won't get faultless service from another type of IDE splitter.

Chris Green
Technical Editor - Computing
VNU Business Publications, 32-34 Broadwick Street, London, W1A 2HG
Fax: +44 (0)207 316 9160      Email:
ICQ: 10921400                 URL:

Message 38591

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:31:12 -0000
> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > It was
> >=20
> > a) Created before Sony made 'Dual Shock' controllers
> no it wasnt, the DS had been available in Japan for a long time.

Gasp, before even Sony had thought of the Playstation? (again,

Nintendo were touting rumbly control pads well before the
Playstation appeared, in fact they touted them WHEN the
Playstation appeared AS the SNES mkII..
> > Define shoddy anyway? The fact that it needs batteries (the N64
> > doesn't supply much power to it's joypads as the PSX does) does
> > not make it shoddy..
> the fact that its an addon for the controller, the fact that=20
> it requires batteries...if it REALLY WAS in the original console
> spec, then they'd have made sure there was a voltage line of#
> enough power going to the pads....wouldnt they? ;-)

What for? There is enough power to keep the controller going,
and the memory pack working until you take it out. Why would
you need to throw a 6v line down a frigging joypad for an

Besides, I could say the same about the PSX. How come I have
to go out and buy a dual shock controller anyway? How come it
wasn't bundled with the original machine? How come it wasn't
bundled with any of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation
machines either?

How come no developers actually made use of it until about
a month or so before they announced the dual shock pack (I
used to work in a computer games store, I did notice the
press releases appear)

> > And where did you do this research?
> from the mouths of development teams you
> not read the dev. team features of Edge magazine?


Edge magazine indeed. From the mouths of the development
teams, edited to fit popular myth and please the Sony
zealots. How many games developers do you KNOW that have
said that TO YOUR FACE?

> Edge, this month. in their 'who will win the console future' article

Yeah, I read that. and?
> > So, it's a choice between getting a PSX2, and a few launch games
> > which are essentially sequels to the games you already HAVE and
> > CAN play on the PSX..
> ...or getting a Dolphin and having to start from scratch...with
> Sequels of games already on the N64? ;-)

The Dolphin will have the advantage of REQUIRING it's purchase to
play those games. Funnily enough, Nintendo actually produce games
worth buying - Mario64 is STILL touted as one of the best games
ever, and it was the first of it's genre.

Zelda64 and Pokemon CONSTANTLY win awards. And all this ISN'T
going to Sony.. I wonder why not? BEcause they just rehash old
crap? Because they want to shock Lad Culture into buying a
Playstation with freak-alien-girls rather than make a gutsy
decision, is why.

> > Or just not buying a PSX and STILL having access to that 'instant
> > library' without the statutory price markup of new console games..?
> then you lose the DVD player and new, better games option.

People may probably already have a DVD player, and you could
always buy a DreamCast and Soul Calibur..
> > Plus if you buy a PSX2, what will you do with the PSX1?
> sell it for 30 ukp. there'll be a lot of buyers for that price

When the console, two joypads and two new games only costs =A370?
You must be kidding! Because that's what they'll sell for.

=A330 for a Playstation and NO games is NO value at all. Or did
you want to sell all your games with it? Bye bye instant

Your argument is flawed, Oh Buxey!

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38592

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:31:45 -0000
> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:25:21 -0000, Sealey, M. wibbled...
> > You explain to me *HOW* MUI is better at layout than
> > Reaction is and *WHY* and I might be inclined to beleive
> > you..
> I've never used Reaction (only it's predecessor, ClassAct), and I have
> to say, while Reaction/CA is undoubtedly faster, MUI /looks/ better. 

And I'll have to say that that will change in the very near
future (once I finish these godforsaken icons!)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38593

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: 30 Nov 99 17:40:00 +0000
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:31:45 -0000, Sealey, M. wibbled...

> And I'll have to say that that will change in the very near
> future (once I finish these godforsaken icons!)

Truly you are keeping the Amiga's GUI alive into the milennium, single

(does that negate my insult yesterday, brought on only by a lack of
sleep and stomach illness, and not my loathing for you? ;)

.-------------------------------The Wibble----------------------------.
|    Kenneth Williams says - "I'd endorse The Wibble, but I'm dead"   |
| ICQ 28589940 |
`------Now updated regularly! i.e. more than once a week, usually-----'

Message 38594

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:41:52 -0000
> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:31:45 -0000, Sealey, M. wibbled...
> > And I'll have to say that that will change in the very near
> > future (once I finish these godforsaken icons!)
> Truly you are keeping the Amiga's GUI alive into the milennium,
> single handedly.


> (does that negate my insult yesterday, brought on only by a lack of
> sleep and stomach illness, and not my loathing for you? ;)

What insult?

I must have deleted that sometime this morning ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38595

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 17:55:19 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> Look at how many GUIs implemented in MUI don't resize properly,
> because when they have balancing groups installed - the balancing
> groups are LOCKED DOWN!

thats right...but its like all the bugs in apps that are blamed on
MUI..its the application coders fault.
> Now that the developer documentation is freely available (as is
> the GUI tool Reactor, on the Developer CD) and that it is EASY
> to get hold of the Reaction classes (go ask your dealer about
> OS3.5 :) there should be nothing stopping users from creating
> their OWN classes, mimicing those of MUI if need be. 
> Hell, I've even managed to get hold of Reaction's source code!!
> (a set of Reaction glyph.image classes will flood the Aminet
> soon, in VisualPrefs styles - no more ugly Reaction GUIs :)

I'm hoping to see more ReAction using programs appearing.

> than into fancy MUI GUI tricks like Voyager has - I mean, who
> #really# needs floating toolbars, hoverable buttons, those silly
> "message of the day" libraries and all that jazz?

:-) but you do need location bars and its nice to be able to move the
tools around to where you want them to be. also its nice to snapshot and
design stuff to how you like....these features are entering reaction -
and thats good

> You haven't explained it properly yet, come on give me EXAMPLES..

if this were AFB-Technical, I'd try...but I'm not an MUI coder, or
a ReAction coder. I've looked at both systems and they will be used at
some point


Message 38596

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:05:36 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> Gasp, before even Sony had thought of the Playstation? (again,

no, the DS was available after the playstation was released..but it was
thought of during PSX design - one reason why the required voltage is
sent to the joypad ports

> What for? There is enough power to keep the controller going,
> and the memory pack working until you take it out. Why would
> you need to throw a 6v line down a frigging joypad for an

=2E..erm, because you said that the rumble-option was part of the original why need battries? because it was more like an afterthought!
> Besides, I could say the same about the PSX. How come I have
> to go out and buy a dual shock controller anyway? How come it
> wasn't bundled with the original machine? How come it wasn't
> bundled with any of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation
> machines either?

because it would put the bundle price up by 10 quid...and it was bundled
with the 4th fact its almost always in the bundle these

> How come no developers actually made use of it until about
> a month or so before they announced the dual shock pack (I
> used to work in a computer games store, I did notice the
> press releases appear)

Japanese releases had DS support about 2 years before the DS was
featured in the Official UK PlayStation mag.=20

> Edge magazine indeed. From the mouths of the development
> teams, edited to fit popular myth and please the Sony
> zealots. How many games developers do you KNOW that have
> said that TO YOUR FACE?

If Edge was made for and paid for by Sony, then I'd have my doubts. as
it is, remarkable unbiased journalism goes on.=20
> The Dolphin will have the advantage of REQUIRING it's purchase to
> play those games. Funnily enough, Nintendo actually produce games
> worth buying - Mario64 is STILL touted as one of the best games
> ever, and it was the first of it's genre.

you purchase only get the handful of Dolphin games...and a
slower console if things arent changed. You get a PSX2 and you'll not
only have the PSX2 games , but also all the back catalogue

 > Zelda64 and Pokemon CONSTANTLY win awards. And all this
ISN'T > going to Sony.. I wonder why not? BEcause they just rehash old
> crap? Because they want to shock Lad Culture into buying a
> Playstation with freak-alien-girls rather than make a gutsy
> decision, is why.

I know you're a Nintendo advocate and yes, i agree that they create some
good in-house games....but thats 3 titles. just 3 titles from 2 years.
And one decent 3rd party game (GoldenEye). 4 games do not make a decent
market for a console. The PlayStation does have lots of crap..but it
also has lots of good games that win awards just so happens
that you dont like those games. I see the N64 mags are squealing with
delight that some of the PSX games are finally making it to the N64
> People may probably already have a DVD player, and you could
> always buy a DreamCast and Soul Calibur..

you could. i may. Dreamcast has serious power problems compared to both
PSX2 and Dolphin though
> When the console, two joypads and two new games only costs =A370?
> You must be kidding! Because that's what they'll sell for.

I'll sellt he PX with a coupel of pads and some of my non favourite
games and add another 10 quid....dont worry it WILL sell - i have
friends who still dont have one, but want one..and i have a spare pad
anyway! :-)


Message 38597

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:10:48 +0100
On 29-Nov-99, wrote:

>> I for one am getting sick of this "not heard from them in a week or
>> so, so they MUST have gone bankrupt" vibe. Have you tried asking this
>> question on a Vapor mailing list? Have you mailed Chris personally to
>> check on your order?

> Im getting tired of it too, as is Chris.  Im on the mailing list and
> there are people there who still havnt got their copy.  However - DO
> NOT email Chris or Vapor asking about it as they are (understandably)
> getting a little annoyed. It will turn up. (Personally, I received mine
> a week after it came out)

You 2 make it sound like we should all sit quietly waiting! 2 months for
something, especially after release is too long. Everyone always nags at
people whodont recieve email replies, yet dont phone, so this guy does
phone and gets nagged at.....what kind of buisness does he hope to run if
he doesn't answer the phone for 2 months and doesn't change the message to
say he's away for a while?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Like blood to chocolate fall.

Message 38598

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:12:45 +0100
On 29-Nov-99, Kevin Fairhurst wrote:

> I wouldn't blame Chris if he is waiting until he gets corrected versions
> of the CD out of the duplicators. The initial run was faulty (the fault of
> teh duplicators) which is why you have to get hold of V and WebVision off
> the 'net. That way he dosn't get hundreds of calls from people saying "Why
> don't V and WebVision work?"

Oh, so because NC3 isn't ready, he's cut himself off from the rest of the
world altogether....riiiiiiight, thats the standard thing to do isnt it?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

A hen who lays an egg cackles as if it was an asteroid.

Message 38599

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:19:59 +0100
Hi M.

>> i can stand on a CD without it being damaged...i can also 
>> drop it into a bowl of water...or spill a beer on it.

> Scratch the front of your CD with a penknife :)

Still, works, just don't scrathc the back...

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

These guys live on the edge. -- Butthead

Message 38600

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: IC24
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:25:43 +0100
On 29-Nov-99, Phil Ellis wrote:

> I don't know if anyone has tried it themselves but IC24's free Sunday
> internet access works perfectly with the Amiga. It's just a shame you have
> to use a PC and IE to sign on.

Yup, I use the miami demo with it. Doesn't like to use  of the IRC servers
though, and 1 mails every 5 seconds instead of 3 mails every second is a
bit sucky

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

"Conquest is easy.  Control is not." - Kirk

Message 38601

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:31:51 +0100
Hi M.
Somewhere around 29-Nov-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re: YAM
YAM YAM and Registering MUI
>>> so there was a consistency across the board.  And I
>>> dislike intensely having to fork out money for something against my
>>> will (i.e. programs that use MUI just for the sake of it).
>> MUI is infinately more advanced and flexible than GadTools ever will
>> be.

> Right, I'll stop you there because it's not nice to compare MUI to
> Gadtools, they being totally different ways of doing things.

Is this gonna be like your anologue controllers argument, discounting all
the opposition because you don't think they should count. MUI does it
differently. MUI does it better

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

There are sore losers, pretty women, and Idiot Liberals

Message 38602

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] pc....hate....ugggh
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 19:13:54 +0100

Please everyone this year spare a thought for others, don't buy them a pc
and put them through hell, no matter how much you hate them!

For the past 5 hours I've been trying to get 1 picture from a digi cam to

serial port was dissabled
download software crashed whenever you saved
wouldn't transfer along laplink cable cos it thought i was printing.
pictures wouldn't rotate in word
Every time the machine was on, it printed the pictures, even if nothing was
It refused to turn off, had to remove the laptop's batteries eventually

download pics
print, 7 minutes including print time...uggh

Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Darn my hn i s ns

Message 38603

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Amigas in industry
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:56:58 +0100

Just to follow on from what was being said before, I found a 1200 powering 6
or so monitors around a club, Saracens in Luton (maybe Mr. Furmanski can
confirm this?) using scala of course to show all the special offers etc.
Nicely hiddenbehind the DJ's stand :)

Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

$#&$#%*((&)(^$$#%^$.....  ohhh sorry - no speaka de ASCII !

Message 38604

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 30 Nov 1999 16:30:58 +0000
Daniel Thornton said, 

> Thanks, Neil. I just called Eyetech, and they are honouring upgrades,
> although not at the 29.99 offer price - upgrades from NC2>NC3 are
> 34.95 + postage.

Wasn't the "offer price" just that, a special offer price for people
pre-ordering the upgrades?

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.

Message 38605

From :"Oliver Roberts" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 30 Nov 99 15:54:04 +0000
Hi Michael,

On 30-Nov-99 14:47:05 GMT, Michael Carrillo wrote:

> Thanks Neil, I did, I called Eyetech and they informed me that they are
> accepting updates, as long as you send back your original disk back.
> However, I am disappointed as the upgrade price has shot up to 34.99 +
> 3 P&P :(

Well, call me a cynic, but I can't say I'm surprised - that's *exactly*
what I would expect from Eyetech (i.e. inflated prices ;(  

What worries me is that Chris never got around to sending me my free
copy of STFax 4, which he promised :(

 *Oliver Roberts*  -  Norwich, UK  -  Software Developer & Web Designer
 /  |  /  -  ICQ: 34640231
 Internet Amiga F1GP Championship  ==>

Message 38606

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Got OS3.5
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:34:23 +0100
Hello Matt,

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

> You may want to go and grab the icons from here 
> And convert the icons into OS3.5 style (go find the ConvertNewIcons
> tool on the OS3.5 CD and type, in the ENV directory of the archive:

You might want to take a look at PSGlowIconsPre.lha on Aminet, they're
even better than the ones from (they're not just simple
cut&paste jobs from older newicons ;)

Oliver Esberger -

Message 38607

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 30 Nov 1999 18:39:50 +0000
Tudor Davies said, 

> On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 03:09:03PM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:

>> > (apart from Matt or Tim who I know are talking!)
>> Did you omit a word there? :)

> No - I should have said shouting *not* talking :)

So the word you omitted was "loudly", although I was thinking of
something else :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

Message 38608

From :"Chris Green" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:45:51 -0000
Hi folks

Apologies if this has already been asked and answered a million times (I've
been off-list for a couple of weeks), but what is Active going to do about
all the duff NC3 CDs he sent out.

I don't know about you guys, but after shelling out for it, I expect a CD
WITHOUT any corrupted application files on it!

Chris Green
Technical Editor - Computing
VNU Business Publications, 32-34 Broadwick Street, London, W1A 2HG
Fax: +44 (0)207 316 9160      Email:
ICQ: 10921400                 URL:

Message 38609

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Anybody seen the AF staff? (was Further to the Active thread..)
Date: 30 Nov 1999 18:41:58 +0000
Richard Drummond said, 

> Hi Neil

>> Maybe Ben's on holiday, since he's posting nothing and Richard's posting
>> more to the AA list than AFB :)

> That's a scurrilous lie, Neil, and you know it. ;)

It's untrue now you've increased your AFB count by by denying it, but
it was true at the time of posting.

Both mailing lists appear on the respective CDs, so the truth will be
in the publicly accessible archives :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I don't eat snails.  I prefer fast food.

Message 38610

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Flash updates
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:04:33 +0100
Anybody any ideas

Since updating the flash on my PPC Board (1200 040/200Mhz PPC)thing have
gone strange. Everything went according plan but it now refuses to boot
from cold. I have to reset before it will boot. All it does is sit there.

Any help appreciated.


Message 38611

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A question of Quake
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:12:40 -0000
Hi Andrew

> > The instructions aren't quite right, but I've managed to find it.  An
> > undocumented secret, left out of your walkthrough Ben!  I've recorded a
> > of me going there if anyone want to see it - 181K available on request.
>    Why not upload it on Aminet, for all :)

Good idea - I think I'll have another go, people might laugh at my rocket
jumps else :-(

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's long lie: Early computers were large not, as is commonly
believed, because we could not manufacture compact integrated circuits, but
because in the 1960's electrons were approximately 3cm in diameter, and so
space had to be left for them to move around in the circuitry. Nowadays,
more modern electrons are used, some of which are only 0.1mm in diameter.

Message 38612

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amigas in industry
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:20:42 -0000
Hi Matthew

> Just to follow on from what was being said before, I found a 1200 powering
> or so monitors around a club, Saracens in Luton (maybe Mr. Furmanski can
> confirm this?) using scala of course to show all the special offers etc.
> Nicely hiddenbehind the DJ's stand :)

I tend to avoid clubs - nasty, loud, crap-music-playing, over-priced,
darkened cesspools mostly.  Or is that just the ones in Luton?
Now give me a nice pub/bar with a cheap jukebox and I'm happy :-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's long lie: Early computers were large not, as is commonly
believed, because we could not manufacture compact integrated circuits, but
because in the 1960's electrons were approximately 3cm in diameter, and so
space had to be left for them to move around in the circuitry. Nowadays,
more modern electrons are used, some of which are only 0.1mm in diameter.

Message 38613

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cost of printing at home
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:28:39 +0100
Hi Albert

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

>    I use a canon BJC-4200 and have just replaced the black  and colour 
> cartridges, Only to find that I also  need to replace the carriage bit that
> they slot into  ( the bit of circuitry and the jets.)
> /Canon do however  say you should replace it every half a dozen
> cartridges./

About right... I'm had to explain to a screaming hairdresser woman (don't
ask!) once that her BJC-4200 printer was a basic printer for general light
use, and that she shouldn't be surprised that the carriage fell out during an
extended 6000 page run! Not as the people who jam T-shirts or corrogated
cardboard in there though! Anyway, wandered of the subject... ;-)

> With the cost of cartridges being roughly as follows.
>    *Black *5    *Color* 10    Bit with Jets + cartridges  29
>  (You can not seem to get it with out )
>    *Photo Cartridge* 40      + for the paper.

Good business sense though! It's called the Barbie Method (sell the doll
cheap, but have lots of expensive accessories!)

> This makes a bit of printing quite expensive consider also that the normal
> black cartridges hold a very *small *amount of ink.
>  (any one no how much ink they hold )

Basic Black cart  holds enough for 50 A4 sheets at 80% coverage (I think)

If you don't do much colour, get the all-black cart, as you can then get 200
pages approx. Much better for most people.

> What about an article on the most economical Printer to use at home after
> you have purchased it.

That would be wooden blocks with inverse letters carved on them dipped into
ink. The cheapest way to get around printing expenses is to use someone else's
printer. Work is particularly good for this, since it looks like you're
working as well!

> And What about refilling the cartridges does it work with the canon ones or
> will I end up with a big splodge on my page when I try to print.

Should do - Epson are vacuum-sealed, I think though. Or at least a lot of them
are now. Try a few cleaning cycles first - it's tucked away in your manual.

> Seems a bit silly really a carriage bit plus a couple of spare cartridges
> =50. If I double it I could by a new printer with new carts in it.

There's an answer there if you re-read that sentence... ;-)


"Bother," said Pooh, as the heart bypass operation failed.

Message 38614

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:04:15 +0100
Hi Neil

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

> xatiminey said, 
>> AFAIK there are no modems which can't be used by Miami as they are all
>> operated by command string sent by you TCP/IP stack (ie Miami) through
>> your serial port.
> So called "WinModems" don't work with anything but Windows. And they
> don't work very well then.

The AMR modems are amongst the very worst inventions to plague my life. About
a pound's worth of pcb and a few coils and resistors, and a software driver.

Yet people expect the same results as with a modem costing 60, rather than
10 on the shelf. What a bunch of nitwits! My Pace modem was pricy, but worth
every penny!


There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a
suitable application of high explosives.

Message 38615

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:01:05 +0100
Hi M.

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

> PS. Do you think I should start a campaign to get some REAL
> computer literacy around here? We'll all be designing Northbridge
> chips by Easter, I tell you! ;)

I once had an idea that people shouldn't be allowed to use modern computers if
they hadn't passed a "test" by using old, obsolete computers first from years
gone by, just so they'd get a bit of an idea about how things work, and also
so that they'd actually be grateful for the nice abilities computers can do

Imagine it..

User : I'm getting sick of using these "60's grade" machines now. Do I have to
keep using all these huge magnetic tapes all the time?!

Tutor : Complaining, eh? Right, you're demoted to the 50's - try punched cards
for a while and see how you like those! ;-)

(If he doesn't stop complaining the newbie could end up on a Analytical Engine
by the end of the week!)


"Bother," said Pooh, as he broke the security beam.

Message 38616

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys
Date: 28 Nov 99 20:45:42 +0000
in a fit of rage Sealey, M. said something about [afb] Re: Gameboys


Sorry Matt, can you speak up a bit, we can't hear you at the back ;)
Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 38617

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 21:22:13 +0100
Hello ,

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Just a thought about new amigas. As one of the G4 cards will basically
> be a computer by its self running QNX, sorta bolted onto the side of
> an amiga, why not sell the G4 boards as completely new machines which

Why does everyone seem to think these G4 boards are a computer of their
own? They are not. They are not any more (or less) complex than a 060
card. Granted, they have their own bussystem, but that's it. If it would
be that easy to construct a stand alone computer, we would already have
Amiga clones. BTW the Cyberstorm 060 Mk3 has its own local bus, too. 

Oliver Esberger -

Message 38618

From :"Phil Ellis" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: IC24
Date: 30 Nov 99 19:18:46 +0000
Hello Matthew O'Neill,
 your comments on [afb] Re: IC24 have got me thinking

>> I don't know if anyone has tried it themselves but IC24's free Sunday
>> internet access works perfectly with the Amiga. It's just a shame you have
>> to use a PC and IE to sign on.

>Yup, I use the miami demo with it. Doesn't like to use  of the IRC servers
>though, and 1 mails every 5 seconds instead of 3 mails every second is a
>bit sucky

>Mash - 

I've just undated my modem to V90 and last weekend I got a reported connection
of 49333 and it really "felt" that fast too.

Phil Ellis Amiga 4000/040 PIV Magellan II ICQ 38892967
For information on Cystic Fibrosis
"Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer."

Message 38619

From :=?iso-8859-1?q?Mirrorball?= <>
Subject: [afb] What's The Deal With The Miggy?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 12:07:13 -0800 (PST)

Been asking this one around recently.  I'm just

I must admit I'm not currently very active on the
Amiga "scene" these days (time and all), but I do read
AF and AA monthly, and keep up with lists etc. when I

But I can't figure out what the hell is happened at
Amiga now.  Are we getting these new machines or what?
 And are they gonna be as good as we hoped?  

Does anyone really know?  Confused!

BTW peeps who remember my old diskmag The-Point (Page)
might like to know that we're getting together a new
website with all the old articles we could find, so
you'll be able to read them on-line soon.  

You can still see our old site, at:

But that hasn't been updated since March and won't be
again.  Neil Bullock owns the mag now.


Do You Yahoo!?
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Message 38620

From :"Neil Bullock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What's The Deal With The Miggy?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 23:57:15 -0000
> But that hasn't been updated since March and won't be
> again.  Neil Bullock owns the mag now.

It's still being made too, it's just going slowly. 

 Neil -  -
 Admit nothing!  Deny everything!  Blame the Moderator!

Message 38621

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Picasso 2s, ZII busboards and Apollos
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 21:55:52 +0000

After spending all bloody weekend trying to get this damn machine to
recognise my nice new(ish) Picasso 2 it turns out its my sodding
accelerator card causing the problems. The card is an Apollo 1230 mkIII
with two simm slots from Eyetech. Any help would be gratefully recieved

Kind regards

Message 38622

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 30 Nov 99 21:37:53 +0000
On 30 Nov 1999 16:30:58 +0000, Neil Bothwick wibbled...

> Wasn't the "offer price" just that, a special offer price for people
> pre-ordering the upgrades?

Yes, but I did pre-order it with Active, and I asked Eyetech if they
would be honouring existing pre-orders. Unfortunately not, but at least
they are still discounting the upgrades, and a fiver extra is hardly
going to break the bank :)
.-------------------------------The Wibble----------------------------.
|    Kenneth Williams says - "I'd endorse The Wibble, but I'm dead"   |
| ICQ 28589940 |
`------Now updated regularly! i.e. more than once a week, usually-----'

Message 38623

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: 30 Nov 99 21:34:50 +0000
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 16:10:48 +0100, Matthew O'Neill wibbled...

> You 2 make it sound like we should all sit quietly waiting! 2 months for
> something, especially after release is too long.  what kind of
> buisness does he hope to run if he doesn't answer the phone for 2
> months and doesn't change the message to say he's away for a while?

Thanks for saying that; I posted the original question to this list
because I know that there are a lot of people who work in the Amiga
industry on it, and that I would stand a better chance of getting
answers from it. Thankfully, in among the whining, somebody did give me
a good answer, which was jolly nice.

.-------------------------------The Wibble----------------------------.
|    Kenneth Williams says - "I'd endorse The Wibble, but I'm dead"   |
| ICQ 28589940 |
`------Now updated regularly! i.e. more than once a week, usually-----'

Message 38624

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Picasso 2s, ZII busboards and Apollos
Date: 30 Nov 99 21:52:52 +0000
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 21:55:52 +0000, Wesley Potter ( wrote:
> Hello,
> After spending all bloody weekend trying to get this damn machine to
> recognise my nice new(ish) Picasso 2 it turns out its my sodding
> accelerator card causing the problems. The card is an Apollo 1230 mkIII
> with two simm slots from Eyetech. Any help would be gratefully recieved

any idea what it is about the accelerator that is causing the problem?  I
mean, you bought it in good faith (off my mate after proof it worked fine
on his a1200 and mine ;) so it's not the stuff you bought, probably the
cheap accelerator you are using *grin*

Seriously, have you tried it without the RAM and all sorts of things like
that?  what about using the card in different slots?

If anyone else wants to help, it's the micronik zorro adaptor (I think)
with the afore mentioned processor card and a picasso 2 (not 2+) card with
2mb ram on it.


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267

Message 38625

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 20:33:57 +0000
Greetings  Matthew 

On 29-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Hi M.
> Somewhere around 29-Nov-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb]
> Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
>>>> so there was a consistency across the board. And I dislike
>>>> intensely having to fork out money for something against my will
>>>> (i.e. programs that use MUI just for the sake of it).

>>> MUI is infinately more advanced and flexible than GadTools ever
>>> will be.

>> Right, I'll stop you there because it's not nice to compare MUI to
>> Gadtools, they being totally different ways of doing things.

> Is this gonna be like your anologue controllers argument,
> discounting all the opposition because you don't think they should
> count. MUI does it differently. MUI does it better

If MUI so hot, why do the developers of the major commercial apps not
use it?

The only notables are Drawstudio and WCS, neither of which have seen
much development lately. . .

> Mash - 

Imagine textures and a few pictures@<>
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"Like the butterfly that can't fly steady;
always movin' with that flow, that energy"
-- Luciano

Message 38626

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Flash updates
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 20:16:00 +0000
Greetings  Darren 

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Anybody any ideas

> Since updating the flash on my PPC Board (1200 040/200Mhz PPC)thing
> have gone strange. Everything went according plan but it now refuses
> to boot from cold. I have to reset before it will boot. All it does
> is sit there.

try tempting it with a chocolate drop or a biscuit, or summat.

> Any help appreciated.

> Darren


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/PGP Key available on request/

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat
us as equals.
-- Winston Churchill